Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Health: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2021-22 May

Health: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2021-22 May Revision General Fund (In Millions) Program or Department Proposal 2020-21 2021-22 CDPH Alzheimer’s and dementia research and training (Age-Friendly State package) — $25 — CDPH Resources for COVID-19 pandemic response external challenges — 6 — CDPH Books for low-income children — 5 — CDPH Pandemic response review — 3 — CHHS, Secretary

[PDF] Housing and Homelessness: Discretionary Spending Proposals in

Housing and Homelessness: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2021-22 May Revision General Fund (In Millions) Program or Department Proposal 2020-21 2021-22 One-Time or Temporary Ongoing HCD Funding for Homekey Program (Homelessness package) — $550 — HCD Funding for housing-related infrastructure (IIG Program) — 250 — HCD Assistance for housing law compliance — — $5 HCD Deferred maintenance

[PDF] Human Services: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2021-22

Human Services: Discretionary Spending Proposals in the 2021-22 May Revision General Fund (In Millions) Program or Department Proposal 2020-21 2021-22 One-Time or Temporary Ongoing Aging Older adult recovery and resiliency package — $101 — Aging Permanently fund ADRCs — — $3 CalWORKs Prevent adults from timing out of cash aid during pandemic $18 46 — CalWORKs Reinstate funding for Cal-OAR

[PDF] CAC = California Arts Council; CalVet = California Department of

CAC = California Arts Council; CalVet = California Department of Veterans Affairs; CDE = California Department of Education; CDFA = California Department of Food and Agriculture; CDI = California Department of Insurance; CDT = California Department of Technology; SOC = Security Operations Center; IT = information technology; CMD = California Military Department; CPUC = California Public Utilities

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2018-19 Budget Act

(b) For up to ten counties, reflecting the diversity of California’s counties (including, but not limited to, population, age, ethnicity, rural and urban), the number of instances broken down by county, in which the county receives a request from an IHSS recipient for a backup provider due to his or her regular provider using paid sick leave.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of May Revision K-12 Education Proposals

(In Millions) 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Three Year Totals Governor’s Budget General Fund $54,470 $56,942 $60,835 $172,247 Local property tax 25,073 25,887 27,270 78,230 Totals $79,544 $82,828 $88,105 $250,477 May Revision General Fund $54,483 $67,077 $66,374 $187,933 Local property tax 24,846 25,745 27,365 77,956 Totals $79,329 $92,822 $93,738 $265,889 Change

[PDF] Child custody and juvenile dependency.

This measure could result in an ongoing increase in county workload to the extent that jurisdictional hearings that currently are decided by a judge are instead decided by a jury. For example, child welfare departments and/or county attorneys may need to spend more time preparing for jury trials because of the different rules related to how and what information can be presented to a jury.

[PDF] Section Letter

Require County Election Officials to Evaluate Wait Times. The measure would require county election officials to evaluate wait times for voting in person in each election. The measure would require that these reports be made public and include actions the county intends to take, consistent with federal law, to address any unreasonably long wait times.

[PDF] App-based rideshare and delivery drivers.

Xavier Becerra 4 December 18, 2019 Increase in State Income Tax Revenue. The measure likely would lead to an increase in personal income tax revenue for the state. The state collects personal income taxes on earnings, including earnings from selling stock.

[PDF] Key Fiscal and Policy Issues Facing California

Cities and counties spend roughly $30 billion annually. The Legislature’s role in defining crimes and what penalties they carry can significantly affect the cost of the system. WHAT ARE KEY LEGISLATIVE CONSIDERATIONS?