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[PDF] California Mimimum Wage Initiative

In the context of overall state and local government revenues, any impact would probably not be significant. Impact on Public Sector Expenditures Program-Specific Costs. State and local governments provide various services— primarily in the health and social services areas—using low-wage, private sector employees: State Payments to Providers.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The No Urban Casino Act (version 2)

Fiscal Effect Indian gambling can result in a variety of fiscal impacts on the state and local governments. For instance: The state has negotiated for specific annual payments by tribes to the state and local governments.

Repeal of Proposition 209

Thus, this initiative could result in costs to state and local governments, depending on future action at the state and loca l levels. Fiscal Summary. This initiative could result in state and local government costs, depending on future action by the state and local governments to either restructure existing programs or expand o r add new preference-based affirmative action programs.


In comparing the state's trial court workload with other states, California ranks near the middle of the 50 states in civil case filings and in the bottom one-third for criminal c ase filings. State Funding for Courts Has Increased The state funds the appellate courts.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Oil Extraction Fee to Rescue Education

In general, both for these districts and the state's university systems, it is unclear how the prohibition on reductions in state education funding would be enforceable. Other Effects on the Economy and on State and Local Finances.

2011 Initiative Analysis:No Train Please Act

The state has received federal funds dedicated to high-speed rail. This measure would result in the loss of approximately $3.3  billion of these funds because a state funding match is required. That, in turn, would reduce somewhat the level of economic activity in the state over the next several years, along with some reductions in state and local tax revenues.

Review of High-Speed Rail Draft 2016 Business Plan [Publication Details]

Mar 17, 2016 - On February 18, 2016, the California High–Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) released a draft of its 2016 business plan, as required by state law. The plan provides updated information on the project and proposes changes to the project’s construction plan.


In addition to these three major financing provisions, there are two other financing provisions with fiscal implications for the state. First, we estimate that the state would save about $20 million annually, beginning no earlier than FFY 1998, from additional federal matching funds if the state converted to a state-operated, rather than the existing county-operated, system.

Cal Facts 2006 State-Local Finance

Five State Mandates Account for Half of the State's Payments If the state mandates that a local government provide a new program or higher level of service, the Constitution generally requires the state to provide reimbursement.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Illegal Immigration Reform Act

The federal welfare reform law also prohibits state and local governments from providing public benefits to nonqualified aliens without state enactment of subsequent authorizing legislation. Examples of programs where the state has passed legislation to provide benefits to nonqualified aliens include prenatal care and long-term care benefits in the Medi- Cal Program.