Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of the Youth Authority (5460)

For example, it proposes legislation to (1) change the age jurisdiction of the Youth Au thority from 25 years of age to 22 years of age and (2) enact sentencing reforms that would allow certain wards to be transferred to the adult prison system.

LAO Recommended Legislation, 1998: Criminal Justice

Focus PIA on providing job training and other services aimed at preventing s econd-strike offenders from coming back to state prison with 25-years-to-life third-strike sentences. Also, enact other changes to restructure PIA management, improve fiscal acc ountability, do away with protected markets, establish clear rules for competition, allow for new private partnerships, and measure mission performance.

Tracking Changes in the Current- and Prior-Year Proposition 98 Guarantee [EdBudget]

Jan 11, 2023 - Tracking Changes in the Current- and Prior-Year Proposition 98 Guarantee [EdBudget] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 68

.  State in Initial Year of Implementing Bond. The 2018-19 Budget Act appropriated $1.3 billion from the bond, mostly to expand or continue existing programs. Also included funding for 80.5 positions to implement Proposition 68 activities at state agencies.  Governor Proposes Providing $1 Billion in 2019-20.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 68

.  State in Initial Year of Implementing Bond. The 2018-19 Budget Act appropriated $1.3 billion from the bond, mostly to expand or continue existing programs. Also included funding for 80.5 positions to implement Proposition 68 activities at state agencies.  Governor Proposes Providing $1 Billion in 2019-20.

2010 Initiative Analysis: Repeal of Mandatory Vehicle Insurance

This tax is based on the amount of insurance premiums the insurer earned in the state each year. In 2008, insurance companies paid about $247  million in premium taxes on automobile insurance policies in California.

Fewer tax refunds than projected in March. 13-14 revenues still above Governor's forecast.

Apr 16, 2014 - Based on recent history, the key information concerning April revenues will emerge during the weeks of April 14-18 and April 21-25. Both our office and the administration will release new state revenue projections in May.

[PDF] An Overview: Transportation Infrastructure Proposals and Their Financing

Exempts allocation of bond funds from statutory interregion- al/regional (25/75) split and county shares formula. Planning process is top down, rather than bottom up (which is existing law). Authorizes design build.

[PDF] "The California Live Within Our Means Act"

Payment of Past Mandate Claims In past years, the Governor and Legislature have deferred payments for mandate claims filed by local school districts and noneducation local governments. The measure requires that any such mandate claims outstanding as of June 30, 2006 be paid within 15 years.

[PDF] Estate taxes and financial aid for college.

Funds first would be used to provide tuition coverage in the first year of college for Cal Grant B recipients and eliminate two Cal Grant B entitlement criteria—the requirements that students be recent high school graduates and meet academic criteria.