Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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LAO Publications

As a result, the state’s budget is now more vulnerable to a future economic downturn than it was last year. For this reason, we suggest the Legislature aim to pass a s tate budget with a robust level of total reserves this year.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Special Education

Excludes $25  million in settlement funds that do not count towards the state's MOE. b   Student enrollment in California is projected to decline in 2008 ‑09 by 0.51  percent, resulting in savings of $16.6  million.

How Program Spending Grew in Recent Years [Publication Details]

Jan 5, 2023 - How Program Spending Grew in Recent Years [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details]

Apr 11, 2019 - High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Impact of COVID-19 on State Transportation Revenues

Sep 17, 2020 - Funding for STIP comes from a specified portion of the gasoline excise tax, with 75  percent allocated to counties on a formula basis for projects they select and 25  percent to Caltrans for interregional projects.

Impact of COVID-19 on State Transportation Revenues

Sep 17, 2020 - Funding for STIP comes from a specified portion of the gasoline excise tax, with 75  percent allocated to counties on a formula basis for projects they select and 25  percent to Caltrans for interregional projects.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: January 2023 [EconTax Blog]

Feb 15, 2023 - For three straight years, we have seen weak sales in November or December followed by very strong growth in January. This pattern suggests that the Census Bureau’s seasonal adjustment for retail sales might not be working as intended.

2007-08: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Provided Proposition  98 support for CalWORKs-related child care, resulting in General Fund savings. •        Rebenched the minimum guarantee related to a home-to-school transportation proposal, thus lowering it in future years.

High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details]

Apr 9, 2019 - High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] Overview of 2020-21 May Revision State Administration Proposals

LAO Comments „ The administration’s proposal achieves short-term savings for the state and schools and community colleges, but likely will results in higher costs in the future. „ Suspending CalSTRS’ ability to increase the state’s contribution rate sets a bad precedent and weakens the 2014 funding plan.