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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Ballot

291 results

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Proposition 28 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - The California Department of Education (CDE) may approve requests from schools to spend less on staff. Schools will have three years to spend the funds they receive each year. CDE would reallocate any unspent funds to all schools in the following year.

Spousal support. [Ballot]

Jul 5, 2022 - Delinquent spousal support pay ments are subject to interest of 10  percent per year. Spousal support payments generally terminate upon remarriage of the supported partner, death of either partner, or as specified by the court.

Minimum wage. [Ballot]

Jan 24, 2022 - These rising prices are called “inflation. ” Under current law, the state will adjust its minimum wage every year, starting in 2024. Each adjustment will reflect U.S. inflation, except in two cases: If inflation is negative, the adjustment will be zero.

Taxpayer protection and government accountability. [Ballot]

Jan 19, 2022 - This year ’s state budget spends over $255  billion in state funds. Over 90  percent of the state budget is funded with revenues from taxes. These include, for example, sales taxes paid on goods and income taxes paid on wages and other sources of income.

Theft crimes. [Ballot]

Jan 12, 2022 - For example, if the affected property is worth more than $50,000, a year would be added to the person’s sentence. If the property is worth more than $200,000, then two years would be added. Fiscal Effects Increased State Criminal Justice System Costs.

Affordable housing bonds. [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2022 - Local governments can issue bonds to pay for capital projects, such as bridges, schools, hospitals, affordable housing, water treatment facilities, and other public buildings. Although local governments can pay for capital projects with current revenues, borrowing allows them to spread the costs across many years, which often reflects the longer usage of the projects.

Raising the personal income taxes for certain households to fund zero-emission vehicle programs and wildfire-related activities. [Ballot]

Dec 27, 2021 - This tax increase would end the earliest of: (1)  January 1, 2043 or (2)  beginning January 1, 2030, the January 1 following three consecutive calendar years in which statewide greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 80  percent below 1990 levels.

Raising taxes on certain corporations to fund zero-emission vehicle programs and wildfire-related activities. [Ballot]

Dec 27, 2021 - This tax increase would end the earliest of: (1)  January 1, 2043 or (2)  beginning January 1, 2030, the January 1 following three consecutive calendar years in which statewide greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 80  percent below 1990 levels.

Tribal gaming. [Ballot]

Dec 27, 2021 - Additionally, the measure prohibits sports wagering on certain sporting events including high school games, animal contests currently prohibited under state law (such as greyhound races), and games that have already occurred.

Funding for arts and music education in schools. [Ballot]

Dec 21, 2021 - Schools will have three years to expend the funding they receive. CDE would reallocate any unused funds to all LEAs in the following year. Gives Discretion to School Principals to Determine How Funds Are Spent.