Results for irish state pension

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2013 Initiative Analysis: The Troy and Alana Pack Patient Safety Act of 2014-Version 2

The costs for operating state prisons and mental hospitals are paid for almost entirely with state funds, and the costs for operating DCs are shared roughly equally by the state and the federal government.

[PDF] Amend the California Constitution to generally require physicians to notify the parent or guardian of a minor under the age of 16 before performing an abortion on that minor, with certain exceptions.

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.7 billion in state and federal funds in 2015-16.

[PDF] Proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis.

Reduction in State and Local Fee Revenues and Regulatory Costs. The measure would result in lower state and local license fee revenue—likely in excess of $100 million annually— because it would limit state license fees for cannabis businesses to no more than $1,000.

[PDF] Proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis.

Reduction in State and Local Fee Revenues and Regulatory Costs. The measure would result in lower state and local license fee revenue—likely in excess of $100 million annually— because it would limit state license fees for cannabis businesses to no more than $1,000.

2011 Initiative Analysis: Foreclosure Modification Act

The state meets the Proposition  98 requirements through a combination of state General Fund and local property tax revenues. The state can suspend the Proposition  98 requirement for one year with a two-thirds vote of both houses of the Legislature.

[PDF] The California Nuclear Waste Act

These state and local fiscal impacts, however, could still be major. Summary of Fiscal Effects We estimate that this measure could have the following major fiscal effects:  Potential impacts on state and local finances in the form of decreased revenues and increased costs due to possible electricity price increases and state liabilities.

[PDF] The Tribal Government Gaming and Economic Self-Sufficiency Act of 1998, Amendment No. 1-NS

State Regulation. The Attorney General and the Gambling Control Commission would be the designated state entities responsible for state regulation of the tribal gam- bling operations. The authority of these state entities would be limited under the com- pact.

[PDF] A proposed statutory initiative prohibiting the generation of nuclear power in California.

These state and local fiscal impacts, however, could still be major. Summary of Fiscal Effects We estimate that this measure could have the following major fiscal effects:  Potential impacts on state and local finances in the form of decreased revenues and increased costs due to possible electricity price increases and state liabilities.

A Review of the 2002 California Infrastructure Plan

Transportation Plans —The primary plans for state transportation capital outlay are the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP).

2005 Initiative Analysis: Two-Thirds Vote Preservation Act of 2005

In addition to taxes, the state may impose fees and other similar charges on individuals and businesses by majority vote. State fees are generally of two types— user fees and regulatory fees . User fees—such as state park entrance fees—are paid by the user for the cost of providing specific services or programs.