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The 2022-23 Budget: Update on Home- and Community- Based Services Spending Plan [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2022 - This post provides an update on the state's home- and community-based services spending plan, which was conditionally approved by the federal government in January 2022. We describe the quarterly updates the state will need to provide the federal government and ways to ensure legislative oversight over implementation of HCBS spending plan.

The 2022-23 Budget: Green School Bus Grants

Feb 10, 2022 - The availability of these local revenue sources varies across the state. State Appropriations Limit California Constitution Contains Limit on State Spending. Proposition  4 (1979) established the state appropriations limit.

The 2022-23 Budget: Clean California Local Grant Program

Feb 10, 2022 - Budget trailer legislation adopted as part of the 2021 ‑22 budget package —Chapter  81 of 2021 (A B  149 , Committee on Budget) —requires Caltrans to report to the Legislature on the outcomes of CCLGP projects, as well as state beautification projects, as part of the 2022 ‑23 and 2023 ‑24 budgets.

The 2022-23 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan

Feb 9, 2022 - Cal ICH anticipates collecting information emerging from the grantees across the state to identify, disseminate, and coordinate resources and services to prevent and end unsheltered homelessn ess in collaboration with other state agencies.

The 2022-23 Budget: Monitoring Correctional System Staff Misconduct Investigations

Feb 9, 2022 - In 2018, in response to concerns raised by inmates ’ rights attorneys, the Secretary of CDCR requested that OIG review the quality of inquiries into inmate allegations of staff misconduct at Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP) in Soledad.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 9, 2022 - Background Medi ‑Cal Is the State ’s Medicaid Program. Medi ‑Cal provides health care coverage to over 14 million Californians with low incomes. As a joint state ‑federal program, costs are shared between the federal and state as well as local governments.

The 2022-23 Budget: Office of Planning and Research Budget Proposals

Feb 9, 2022 - California Volunteers serves this purpose in the state, coordinating state funds and private donations to match federal funds for the state ’s AmeriCorps programs. Disaster Response and Recovery. California  Volunteers also is tasked with coordinating volunteer activities related to disaster response and recovery.

The 2022-23 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan [Publication Details]

Feb 9, 2022 - This brief provides an update on some major recent state budget actions related to homelessness, describes the Governor’s homelessness budget proposals, and raises issues for the Legislature’s consideration.

Domestic ferrets. [Ballot]

Feb 9, 2022 - Accordingly, the measure likely would not have immediate or significant fiscal effects on the state or local governments. Summary of Fiscal Effects. We estimate that this measure could have the following major fiscal effect on the state and local governments: Likely would not have immediate or significant fiscal effects on the state or local governments.

The 2022-23 Budget: Governor's Proposals for CDCR Operations

Feb 8, 2022 - State law requires state agencies to purchase products and services offered by CalPIA whenever possible. Accordingly, the majority of goods and services produced by CalPIA are sold to state departments.