Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Administration’s trailer bill proposal related to future “triple flip” unwinding mechanism

Mar 15, 2013 - (Specifically, the final allocation to local governments is equal to the whole amount that cities and counties “lost ” because of the 0.25 percent sales tax reduction minus the total ERAF transfers to cities and counties under the triple flip that occurred while the Bradley-Burns sales tax rate w as reduced temporarily.)

Rules regarding surplus school property.

Mar 15, 2013 - Before using this process, howev er, the district must offer to sell or lease the property to certain types of entities, including agencies interested in sponsoring low-income housing, local parks and recreation d istricts, and city and county governments.

TANF and SLOF adjustments for Cal Grant program.

Mar 15, 2013 - This agreement resulted from the transfer of the state ’s federal guaranteed student loan program from EdFUND, a CSAC auxiliary, to ECMC. Under the agreement, SLOF funding level is not guaranteed from year to year.

Cal Grant funding.

Mar 15, 2013 - The state ’s Cal Grant program guarantees financial aid awards to recent high school graduates and community college transfer students who meet financial, academic, and other eligibility cri teria. The program also provides a relatively small number of competitive grants to students who do not qualify for entitlement awards.

Recommend pause on troubled payroll IT project and assessment of state IT oversight

Mar 6, 2013 - According to SCO, SAP ’s lack of expertise and strategic planning lead to inadequate scheduling, staffing, knowledge transfer, deliverable management, and quality assurance. SCO also identified concerns regarding design, testing, organizational change management, and training weaknesses.

Recommend pause on troubled payroll IT project and assessment of state IT oversight

Mar 6, 2013 - According to SCO, SAP ’s lack of expertise and strategic planning lead to inadequate scheduling, staffing, knowledge transfer, deliverable management, and quality assurance. SCO also identified concerns regarding design, testing, organizational change management, and training weaknesses.

Insufficient ERAF: Examining a Recent Issue in Local Government Finance [Publication Details]

Dec 18, 2012 - In addressing claims of insufficient ERAF in future years, the Legislature will be faced with the difficult decisions of how much compensation cities and counties should receive and how the compensation should be provided.

Local Government Bankruptcy in California: Questions and Answers [Publication Details]

Aug 7, 2012 - These filings—occurring just months after the City of Vallejo completed its three year Chapter 9 process—have raised questions about the use of Chapter 9 in California. In this report, we answer some of the common questions about the Chapter 9 process for California local governments such as: which local governments are allowed to file for bankruptcy protections and under what

2012-13 May Revise: Analysis of the Governor’s Proposed Changes to the Healthy Families Program

May 18, 2012 - May Revise Update           Here we describe the changes to the Governor ’s proposal to transfer HFP enrollees to Medi-Cal and other adjustments to HFP included in the May Revision. HFP Rates Will Be Reduced by Slightly Less.

The 2012-13 Budget: Overview of the May Revision [Publication Details]

May 18, 2012 - Moreover, the administration's $1.4 billion estimate for the amount of General Fund benefit that may be achieved in 2012-13 from transferring former RDAs' liquid cash assets to school districts is highly uncertain.