Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Property Tax Shift Chapter

Specifically, the Legislature could state that local residents have the authority to direct the allocation of a certain amount or share of property taxes. The proportion of property taxes to be allocated to any specific local government would be determined by local residents in a county-wide, or sub county-wide election.

[PDF] spending plan cover

City/County Vehicle License Fee Shift. Cities and counties are required to shift an additional $100 million of property taxes to schools on a one-time basis in 1992-93. Specifically, cities must shift an amount of their property taxes equal to $1.92 per city resident, and counties must shift $1.65 per resident.

[PDF] Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

Currently, local medical marijuana laws vary widely across the state, ranging from complete bans of such facilities in some cities and counties to no restrictions at all in other places. State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medicinal marijuana sales.

2012 Initiative Analysis: Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

Currently, local medical marijuana laws vary widely across the state, ranging from complete bans of such facilities in some cities and counties to no restrictions at all in other places. State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medicinal marijuana sales.

[PDF] Ballot Analysis

These resources would likely be redirected to other county activities. November 3, 2020 Ballot Page 5 of 5 Impact on State and Local Tax Revenues. This proposition would impact both state and local tax revenues.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-NS)

Some of the additional tobacco tax revenues would be spent by state agencies, while others would be passed through to local government agencies, including cities, counties, and s chool districts. For example, county health departments would be among those receiving funds for tobacco prevention efforts, and both counties and schools would receive allocati ons for programs to prevent obesity.

[PDF] Yes/No Statement A YES vote on this measure means: State law

Yes/No Statement A YES vote on this measure means: State law would not limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have. A NO vote on this measure means: State law would continue to limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have.

Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Aug 31, 2023 - See "Financial Aid Award Coverage" for a description of each award. bSummer financial aid award amounts are at campuses' discretion. cStudents attending private for-profit institutions are ineligible for most types of nontuition awards, except for a Cal Grant B access award of $1,648 or a Cal Grant C book and supply award of $547. dStudents who receive the Cal Grant B access award may also

[PDF] Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute: Changes Requirements for Certain Property Owners to Transfer Their Property Tax Base to Replacement Property.

The measure would have other smaller fi scal effects:  Increase in property transfer tax revenues.  Increase in income tax revenues.  Higher administrative costs for county assessors. Fiscal Effect

August 2021 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Sep 20, 2021 - August 2021 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog] Seth Kerstein Through the first two months of the 2021-22 fiscal year, collections from the state ’s three largest taxes —personal income, corporation, and sales taxes —are running 20 percent ($3.6 billion) ahead of budget projections.