Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Unfunded liabilities grow, system says. Billions more of annual funding eventually needed.

Apr 1, 2011 - By amortizing unfunded liabilities over about 30 years, most public pension systems seek to minimize systematic transfers of compensation costs for today ’s public employees to future generations of taxpayers and employees.

Unfunded liabilities grow, system says. Billions more of annual funding eventually needed.

Apr 1, 2011 - By amortizing unfunded liabilities over about 30 years, most public pension systems seek to minimize systematic transfers of compensation costs for today ’s public employees to future generations of taxpayers and employees.

Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details]

Mar 15, 2011 - Our report offers some specific suggestions for systemwide changes intended to promote seamless transfer of nursing students from CCC to CSU. Reports by Policy Area

System officials say budgeted 2011-12 state payment may be more than required by law

Mar 1, 2011 - As of that valuation, actuaries determined that the system needed contributions equal to an additional 13.9 percent of teacher payroll--over $3.8 billion per year--from some source, beginning immediately, to retire its unfunded liabilities over 30 years, thereby preventing additional intergenerational transfers of teachers' compensation costs.

Funding and flexibility for credit basic-skills instruction

Feb 16, 2011 - This credit funding rate  is the same rate that  colleges receive for college-level credit courses (such as lower-division transfer  instruction and degree-applicable vocational education). Different Minimum Qualification for Credit, Noncredit Basic-Skills Faculty.

Overview of the Governor’s December 2010 Special Session Proposals [Publication Details]

Dec 7, 2010 - The Governor also proposes to transfer vehicle weight fee revenues to the General Fund. This would achieve an estimated $850 million in budget solutions in 2010‑11 and $727 million in 2011‑12 by reimbursing the General Fund with weight fee revenues for certain transportation bond debt service costs, and also loaning a portion of the weight fee revenues to the General Fund.

Court Security Fee Increase

May 27, 2010 - We would note that the Legislature could transfer more than $60 million, but this would likely delay particular projects (including perhaps those that have already been approved and are in the planning and design stages).

May Revision proposal for Access for Infants and Mothers

May 20, 2010 - The Perinatal Insurance Fund receives transfers from Proposition 99 as well as the premium payments of 1.5% of adjusted annual household income from enrolled clients, and is used as the state match to draw down federal CHIP funds for insurance coverage of low-income pregnant women.

Proposed Changes to California Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)

May 20, 2010 - The Governor ’s May Revision proposes the following changes related to CMAC: Transfers Authority for Geographic Managed Care (GMC) Contract Negotiations to DHCS. The Governor proposes to transfer GMC health plan contract negotiation responsibilities to DHCS for total savings of $680,000.

General Fund Savings Opportunities in State Parks

May 18, 2010 - Closing such parks may result in the federal go vernment taking over the ownership and operation of the parks, as well as jeopardizing future federal funds. Finally, local economies could be negatively impacted by the closure of state parks in their local area and the resulting loss in visitor-related spending.