Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: INDEX

4 State Treasurer ________________________________________________________ '185 S'tockton State HospitaL ________________________________________________ 226 Structural Pest, (Jontl'olBoard~ __ , _____________________________ .: __ · _________ 284 Subsidies to Counties (see SUbventions)- Subventions :- Agdcultural, Commissioners, County, Salaries

[PDF] The Tobacco Tax Act of 2006

Some of the additional tobacco tax revenues would be spent by state agencies, while others would be passed through to local government agencies, including cities, counties, and school districts. For example, county health departments would be among those receiving funds for tobacco prevention efforts, and both counties and schools would receive allocations for programs to prevent obesity.

2011 Realignment: Addressing Issues to Promote Its Long-Term Success

Instead, the budget reallocates $5.6 billion of state sales tax and state and local VLF revenues for purposes of realignment in 2011 –12. Specifically, the Legislature approved the diversion of 1.0625 cents of the state ’s sales tax rate to counties.

Major Features of the 1998 California Budget

The revenues are distributed to cities and counties. Permanent Tax Cut The permanent provision of the tax cut provides that beginning January  1,  1999, each vehicle owner's VLF owed will be reduced by 25  percent.

A proposed constitutional and statutory initiative related to poverty reduction. [Ballot]

Sep 4, 2015 - Two or more counties would be able to form a county group and jointly participate in the home visiting program. Each county or county group would be responsible for administering gra nts to home visiting organizations that would conduct home visits for eligible families in the given county.

[PDF] Overview of Initiative Measure to Change Tax Assessment of Commercial Property

California cities, counties, schools, and special districts collect property taxes from property owners based on the value of their property. Property taxes raise around $65 billion each year for these local governments.

[PDF] Public Safety Realignment Funding Allocation

This funding is deposited in two accounts: the Community Corrections Subaccount (a set amount of sales tax revenue) and the Community Corrections Growth Special Account (any growth in sales tax revenues).

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

Figure 5 Governor's State/County Restructuring Plan 1994-95 (In Millions) State Resources Shifted to Counties Shift state sales tax revenues $1,409 Shift school property taxes to counties (state backfills school losses) 1,140 Increase state trial court block grants 386 Return trial court fines and forfeiture

[PDF] The cultivation, possession, and sale of marijuana.

State law also gives cities and counties the discretion to regulate the location and operation of such facilities. State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medical marijuana. A small number of cities also impose additional taxes on medical marijuana sales.

[PDF] Cultivation, possession, and sale of marijuana. Version 7

State law also gives cities and counties the discretion to regulate the location and operation of such facilities. State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medical marijuana. A small number of cities also impose additional taxes on medical marijuana sales.