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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Resources

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Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Drinking Water in California—A Status Update

Nov 10, 2020 - Noncommunity Water System: Public water system that (1) regularly serves 25 or more of the same persons for more than 6 months but fewer than 12 months per year (referred to as “nontransient ”), such as a school, or (2) does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months of the year (referred to as “transient ”), such as a rest stop or campground.

State Wildfire Response Costs Estimated to Be Higher Than Budgeted

Oct 19, 2020 - The amount budgeted for the E-Fund each year is an estimate, in part based on the average costs of the large-incident firefighting incidents over the most recent five years. The Legislature approved, as part of the budget, authority for the Director of Finance to augment the item to pay for emergency fire suppression costs following notification of the Joint Legislative Bu dget Committee.

The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Resources and Environmental Protection

Oct 5, 2020 - The budget plan provides $7.2  million from the Oil Gas Geothermal Administrative Fund in 2020 ‑21 ($4.8  million ongoing) and authority for 25 positions to strengthen oversight and enforcement of oil and gas operators.

What Threat Does Sea-Level Rise Pose to California?

Aug 10, 2020 - To the degree local property tax revenues drop, this also could affect the state budget in some years because the California Constitution could require that losses in certain local property tax revenues used to support local schools be backfilled by the state ’s General Fund.

Improving California’s Response to the Environmental and Safety Hazards Caused by Abandoned Mines

Aug 4, 2020 - It would likely take one to two years to develop the initial strategic plan. Thereafter, the strategic plan should be updated at least once every five years, establish specific goals and measurable objectives, and prioritize remediation projects.

The 2020-21 Budget: Addressing Revenue Uncertainty in the 2020-21 Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Jun 4, 2020 - The Governor ’s expenditure plan includes $25  million to expand various climate research and adaptation activities, if sufficient revenue is available. However, such an expansion might be difficult to implement in 2020 ‑21 given the uncertainty about how much funding will ultimately be available.

The 2020-21 Budget: California Public Utilities Commission

Feb 27, 2020 - The Legislature can reconsider providing additional outreach funding in future years —potentially as soon as next year ’s budget process —after the assessment is complete, which is expected to be sometime during the middle of 2020 ‑21.

The 2020-21 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 25, 2020 - The recent trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada dedicated up to $ 300  m illion for wastewater treatment along the U.S. ‑Mexico border. However, how and where these funds will be spent —including how much will be dedicated to issues in California as compared to other border states —has not yet been determined.

The 2020-21 Budget: Governor's Wildfire-Related Proposals

Feb 21, 2020 - Fire Engine Prepositioni ng. $25  million annually to pre ‑position mutual aid fire engines and other related equipment in order to decrease local response times to potentially destructive wildfires and other disasters.

The 2020-21 Budget: Climate Change Proposals

Feb 13, 2020 - This would require annual payments averaging about $ 200  m illion from the General Fund over about the next 40 years. The exact costs and time period would depend on the specific details of the bond ’s sales.