Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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SANDAG: An Assessment of Its Role in the San Diego Region

Most of these independent districts provide water, waste water treatment, or fire protection services to a limited area of the county. Independent special districts typically have some authority to propose taxes, fees, or assessments to fund their services, but little or no power to regulate the actions of local residents or businesses.

People's Gaming Act

Also, revenues generated fro m gaming on reservations would be less than for comparable operations situated elsewhere because Indian tribes are exempt from certain taxes. For example, if casinos are run by an Indian tribe, any profits attributed to tribal business activities would not be subject to state income taxes.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 1

For example: Cities, counties, and special districts (considered local governments in this measure) provide local public safety and local transportation, parks, recreation, and library programs. Counties also provide health and welfare services.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

For instance, property tax allocation changes made in the early 1990s shift more than $4 billion dollars annually from local governments to schools. The realignment program enacted in 1991 shifts more than $3 billion annually in former state program costs to counties, while providing an equivalent amount of new revenues.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

For example: Cities, counties, and special districts (considered local governments in this measure) provide local public safety and local transportation, parks, recreation, and libr ary programs. Counties also provide health and welfare services.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option

For instance, property tax allocation changes made in the early 1990s shift more than $4 billion dollars annually from local governments to schools. The realignment program enacted in 1991 shifts more than $3 billion annually in former state program costs to counties, while providing an equivalent amount of new revenues.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 1

For instance, property tax allocation changes made in the early 1990s shift more than $4 billion dollars annually from local governments to schools. The realignment program enacted in 1991 shifts more than $3 billion annually in former state program costs to counties, while providing an equivalent amount of new revenues.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 3

For instance, property tax allocation changes made in the early 1990s shift more than $4 billion dollars annually from local governments to schools. The realignment program enacted in 1991 shifts more than $3 billion annually in former state program costs to counties, while providing an equivalent amount of new revenues.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

In the March, 1954, survey of Los Angeles County, 69 "benchmark jobs" in 298 firms coverfng 43,026 employees were used as a sample. The sample attempts to take a cross section of . all types of industries in proportion to the whole industrial economy of the area.

An Overview of the 1997-98 Governor's Budget

Taxes and Fees . Phased 10  percent corporate tax rate reduction. Additional federal tax conformity. No renters' credit. Increase in drivers license fees. Welfare . Welfare reform proposal includes various time limits for recipients and block grant funds for counties (beginning 1998-99).