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Fiscal Oulook 2001, Chapter 3

Other Revenues and Transfers We forecast that revenues and transfers from the General Fund's remaining sources of income will be about $5.3  billion in the current year, or roughly the same level as in 2000-01.

[PDF] Overview of the 2001-02 May Revision

. ❖ The revised budget proposal addresses the imbalance by defer- ring the transfer of General Fund monies for transportation, elimi- nating or reducing many of the one-time expenditures proposed in the January budget, scaling back funding for other programs, transferring certain special fund balances into the General Fund, and reducing the reserve. ❖ Although some of the budgetary solutions are ongoing in na- ture, the vast majority are one time.

Improving Academic Preparation For Higher Education

The San Diego campus has used local community colleges to teach its precollegiate courses for more than 15 years, and UC Davis began its collaboration with Sacramento City College in 1993. Faculty we interviewed at both of these campus es praised the collaborations.

Supplemental Report Of The 2001 Budget Act 2001-02 Fiscal Year

The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: the number of foreign prisoner transfer applications received and the disposition of each application; acti ons taken by the Board of Prison Terms to increase the number of transfer applications; projected staffing and funding adjustments needed in 2003-04 to appropriately budget for the

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 5

The Estate Tax and the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax The fifth largest source of General Fund taxes, the Estate Tax and the Generation-Skipping Transfer (GST) Tax accounted for an estimated $937 million in 1999-00, or a bit under 2 p ercent of the total.

California's Tax System: A Primer, Chapter 6

Cities and counties collected nearly $900 million in TOT revenues in 1997-98. Other Taxes Local governments impose a variety of other general taxes, including: documentary transfer taxes, admissions taxes, and parking taxes.

Cal Facts 2002: Economy

Currently, the state is adding about 550,000 persons annually —more than a city the size of Long Beach or a state the size of Wyoming. The Inland Counties Have Been Growing the Fastest Total Growth, 1997 Through 2002 The highest population growth rates have occurred mainly in the Central Valley and foothill counties, and in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California.

Better Protection of Fish and Wildlife: Improving Fish and Game's CEQA Review

For example, we interviewed planning staff in several cities and counties, including Orange County, Santa Barba ra County, County and City of San Diego, Marin County, and Placer County. We also reviewed a sampling of comments DFG has issued on proposed projects as part of the department's CEQA review efforts.

Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor's Budget for Child Care

California's Child Care Budget Under Current Policy Without Governor's Reforms (In Millions) 2002 ‑03 Budget Without Reforms CalWORKs b Reserve for Stages 1 and 2 DSS a     Department of Social Services (DSS); State Department of Education (SDE); California Community Colleges (CCC). b     California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids. c     Reflects transfer of $25

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis of The 2002-03 Governor’s Budget for Child Care

This amount is estimated to be sufficient to serve qualifying families until the end of March 2003. 2 California Child Care and Development Programs—Local Assistance (In Millions) Federal Funds Totals CalWORKsb Stage 1 DSS $103.0 $472.0 $575.0 $119.2 $353.2 $472.4 Stage 2 SDE 138.3 566.3 704.6c 196.8 395.2 592.0d Community Colleges (Stage 2) CCC 15.0 — 15.0 15.0 — 15.0 Reserve for Stages 1 and 2