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Resources (257)
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Results for irish state pension in Resources

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The 2024-25 Budget: Insolvency Risks for Environmental and Transportation Special Funds

Feb 27, 2024 - (These payments are related to a 2017 ‑18 budget action that borrowed from the General Fund for a large one ‑time contribution to the state employee pension fund, requiring future repayment from all relevant funds that make employer pension contributions, including MVA.

The 2024-25 Budget: CalFire—Implementation of a 66-Hour Workweek

Mar 19, 2024 - First, the provision establishes a large policy change that affects how the state compensates its employees and how the state combats wildfires with minimal detail and significant deference to the joint labor management committee process.

The 2024-25 Budget: Sustainable Funding for the Department of Pesticide Regulation

Mar 5, 2024 - DPR indicates taking enforcement actions on out ‑of ‑state pesticide dealers would be a more appropriate role to assign to the state, since the primary role of CACs is to be the main enforcement authorities within their jurisdictions.

The 2024-25 Budget: Flood Management Proposals

Feb 26, 2024 - This funding would support repairs to levees and other infrastructure on state ‑owned land, for which the state is responsible. The funding also would enable the state to draw down additional support from USACE.

The 2024-25 Budget: Salton Sea Management Program

Feb 26, 2024 - The state carries out this role through the SSMP. (While statute requires the state to consider local economic impacts, it does not assign fiscal responsibility to the state to address any such effects that may result from a shrinking Salton Sea.

The 2024-25 Budget: Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Feb 20, 2024 - However, the way in which CARB makes changes to it s allocation of allowances (such as modifying the mix of allowances given away for free to certain industries like utilities versus the number sold at the state ‑run auctions) ultimately will determine the impacts on prices and state  revenues. 2030 Expiration.

The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2022 - The Legislature could use the funding it frees up from funding fewer proposals to address district cost pressures (such as rising pension costs), or it could set this funding aside in the Proposition  98 Reserve for future allocation.

The 2024-25 Budget: Crafting Climate, Resources, and Environmental Budget Solutions

Feb 14, 2024 - State Faces a Multiyear, Multibillion‑Dollar Budget Problem. Due to a deteriorating revenue picture relative to expectations from June 2023, both our office and the administration anticipate that the state faces a significant multiyear budget problem.

The 2024-25 Budget: Sustainable Funding for the Department of Pesticide Regulation [Publication Details]

Mar 5, 2024 - In this post, we assess the Governor's proposal to increase the mill assessment—a tax levied on pesticides when first sold into or within the state—to address the structural deficit within the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s special fund and to support various programmatic expansions for the department.

Assessing Early Implementation of Urban Water Use Efficiency Requirements [Publication Details]

Jan 4, 2024 - Legislation approved in 2018 established a long-term urban water use efficiency framework to “Make Conservation a California Way of Life,” creating new requirements for urban retail water suppliers across the state. This report responds to a requirement that our office assess implementation of the framework.