Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada from the past 5 years

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May 2022 Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Jun 20, 2022 - California businesses added 42,900 net jobs in May (seasonally adjusted), about the same as April and another month of slower job growth than seen in the past year.

The 2023-24 Budget: Office of the State Public Defender

Feb 15, 2023 - Researchers, academics, and others have spent years developing such expertise. It could be difficult for the state generally to recruit people with this background into less senior and lower-paying classifications —such as the AGPA position classification requested by OSPD.

Improving California’s Prison Inmate Classification System

May 2, 2019 - Inmates who meet certain criteria, such as those who ( 1)  a re in the first 5 years of a sentence of 25 years or more to life, ( 2)  h ave a history of escape, or ( 3)  h ave committed a severe rule violation.

The 2022-23 Budget: California Department of Technology

Feb 22, 2022 - However, we understand from CDT that it cannot accurately forecast either its revenues from or expenditures on services over a three ‑year period because demand can change significantly year over year.

Middle Class Scholarship Program [EdBudget]

Aug 16, 2022 - In 2021-22, award amounts were prorated to keep total program spending below the statutory limit of $117 million in effect that year. For 2022-23, award amounts will be based on the total cost of attendance minus the sum of other available gift aid, a student contribution from part-time work earnings, and a parent contribution for dependent students with a household income of over $100,000.

The 2022-23 Budget: Water and Drought Response Proposals

Jan 31, 2022 - State  and local agencies likely will be busy administering and implementing recently funded activities both in the budget year as well as in the coming years. As such, the Legislature will want to be mindful that state and local agencies likely will have limitations on their capacity to oversee and expend significant amounts of new funding in the budget year.

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment [EdBudget]

Jul 29, 2022 - At CCC, 1 FTE student is 525 contact hours per year, which on average generates about 24 credits. For undergraduate education at CSU and UC, 1 FTE student is 30 credit units. For graduate education at CSU, UC, and Hastings, 1 FTE student is 24 credit units.

The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Feb 14, 2020 - This includes a 3. 25  p ercent COLA, at a cost of $ 68  m illion totals funds ($ 34  m illion General Fund). Proposes Repurposing Temporary Positions Provided to Develop New Budgeting Methodology for Ongoing County Oversight Workload.

A Review of LifeLine Budget Estimates and Enrollment Process

Apr 3, 2019 - However, the national average LifeLine take ‑up rate is about 25  p ercent, and California has the highest estimated take ‑up rate of any state in the country. This is likely in large part because California offers the largest monthly subsidy of any state.