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Transportation (14)
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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in Transportation from the past 5 years

14 results

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Impact of COVID-19 on State Transportation Revenues

Sep 17, 2020 - Shared revenues for cities and counties are estimated to increase from $2.6  billion in 2019 ‑20 to $2.8  billion in 2020 ‑21. However, this is $256  million (9  percent) less than what was previously estimated for 2019 ‑20 and $231  million (8  percent) less than previously estimated for 2020 ‑21.

SB 1 Has Doubled Major Source of State Funding for Local Streets and Roads

Jan 24, 2020 - Roughly two-thirds of the revenue is transferred into the newly created Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA). O f this amount, $762  million is set aside annually for specified purposes such as active transportation, bridge and culvert repairs, and transportation research.

The 2019-20 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Feb 26, 2019 - While the Governor ’s budget proposals would help improve the condition of the MVA, there are alternatives, as well as additional steps that could be taken —including the various options we identified in the “MVA Fund Condition ” section of this report, such as eliminating the current transfer from the MVA to the General Fund and increasing the vehicle registration or driver license fees.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - The Governor proposes attributing this $ 700  m illion deposit to the 2018 ‑19 fiscal year, although the actual transfer likely would take place after June 30, 2019. No Deposit Into School ’s Constitutional Reserve Required.