February 22
The measure would increase the state minimum wage from the current $6.75 per hour to $7.25 per hour effective January 1, 2006 and $7.75 per hour effective January 1, 2007. In addition, the measure would require the state to adjust annually—beginning January 1, 2008—the minimum wage rate based on inflation.
February 18
Under this constitutional amendment, state ballot measures which create or increase future voter or governmental body approval requirements above a majority vote would be required to be passed by that same vote requirement. The measure, however, would not apply to vote requirements imposed on the Legislature.
February 17
The proposed initiative requires public employee union funds intended for political purposes to be kept in a separate account. These accounts would be registered with the state, and unions would be required to file financial reports on them. Neither the union nor the public agency employer could contribute to the political accounts. Rather, unions would have to solicit separate contributions to these accounts. (Union dues could be used, however, to communicate with members about political candidates and issues.)
February 16
This measure states that no state or local government limit on appropriations or spending—other than the Article XIIIB appropriations limit and the limit on legislative appropriations discussed above—shall apply until certain educational benchmarks are reached.
February 16
This measure states that no state or local government limit on appropriations or spending—other than the Article XIIIB appropriations limit and the limit on legislative appropriations discussed above—shall apply until certain educational benchmarks are reached.
February 16
This initiative makes three statutory changes to these existing charter school laws: Expands Types of Agencies That May Charter Schools; Lengthens Renewal Period; and Funds Certain Charter School Facility Costs.
February 16
The proposed initiative requires school districts to spend at least 75 percent of operating funds on direct classroom instruction beginning in the first full school year following enactment of the measure. Beginning in the second full school year after enactment, the initiative would require districts to increase the proportion of funds dedicated to direct classroom instruction by 1 percent annually, until it reaches 80 percent. The initiative defines “direct classroom instruction” based on accounting rules developed by the federal government.
February 17
This measure eliminates the existing constitutional provisions relating to state and local appropriations limits and replaces them with a new, more comprehensive limit on state government spending. Local jurisdictions would no longer be subject to an appropriations limit. However, the measure prohibits a local government from spending in any year more than it receives in revenues (including reserve funds).
February 17
This measure eliminates the existing constitutional provisions relating to state and local appropriations limits and replaces them with a new, more comprehensive limit on state government spending. Local jurisdictions would no longer be subject to an appropriations limit. However, the measure prohibits a local government from spending in any year more than it receives in revenues (including reserve funds).