January 3
The proposed measure would amend the California Constitution and enact related statutory provisions to require a physician to notify a parent or legal guardian of a pregnant unemancipated minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion, with certain exceptions. An unemancipated minor, under the measure, would include any unmarried pregnant female under the age of 18 who has not entered into a valid marriage, is not in the armed services, and has not been declared emancipated under state law.
December 21
This measure expands upon current law regarding parental notification of the instruction of sex education. Specifically, the measure: requires notification regarding specific topics; requires approval for each instructional day; restricts instruction of certain topics to junior high and high schools; specifies contents of parental notification; allows for copying of materials or approval forms; and allows parents to collect damages for violations.
December 7
This measure would eliminate the existing constitutional provisions relating to state and local appropriations limits and replace them with a new, more comprehensive limit on state government spending. Local jurisdictions would no longer be subject to an appropriations limit. However, the measure prohibits a local government from spending in any year more than it received in revenues (including reserve funds).
October 25
This measure would require physicians to notify at least one of the parents or legal guardians of a pregnant unemancipated minor prior to performing an abortion unless (1) a medical emergency makes an immediate abortion necessary or (2) a juvenile court has granted a waiver of this requirement.
October 20
This measure allows on-site businesses to sell alcoholic beverages for an additional two hours (until 4 A.M.) on certain days—including weekends and some holidays. The proposal would not change local governments’ authority to require an earlier closing time.
September 21
This measure amends the State Constitution to limit when the Legislature could hold sessions. These limits would not apply to special sessions, which are called by the Governor. The measure would also restrict travel and per diem payments only to those days when the Legislature is in session (with a 15-day limit on special sessions). In addition, legislative hearings could only be held on days the Legislature is in session.
September 9
This measure eliminates the state and local governments' option that currently exists under federal law to provide public benefits to nonqualified aliens. Specifically, the measure would preclude the state from providing the following to undocumented immigrants: (1) driver’s licenses; (2) reduced college tuition; and (3) any other public benefit, as defined by federal law
August 24
This measure requires the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to: (1) design, in consultation with the California Highway Patrol and Department of Parks and Recreation, a set of 12 decorative decals which motorists could buy and affix to their vehicles and (2) charge an annual fee of $240 for each decal set, plus an additional amount determined by DMV to reimburse the department for its costs to administer the program. Revenue from decal sales would support educational, public social services, parks and recreation, and environmental protection programs.
August 17
The proposed measure would amend the California Constitution and enact related statutory provisions to require a physician to notify a parent or legal guardian of a pregnant unemancipated minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion, with certain exceptions.
June 23
The proposed measure would allow a party to a civil lawsuit to declare the lawsuit “frivolous” and would require judges to prepare a written explanation for dismissing or continuing a lawsuit after it has been declared frivolous. The measure defines frivolous lawsuit.
June 18
This measure amends the California Constitution to change the way boundaries of districts for the state Legislature, Board of Equalization, and the U.S. House of Representatives from California are determined.