Initiative Analyses

May 11

A.G. File No. 2001-017

Municipal corporations

This measure amends the State Constitution to explicitly give counties, cities, public districts, municipal corporations, and irrigation districts specific powers relating to the acquisition, development, distribution, and sale of natural gas for public or private use.

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May 10

A.G. File No. 2001-016

Transportation Investment Fund

The use of state gasoline sales tax revenues for transportation purposes.

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May 10

A.G. File No. 2001-015

Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund #2

The use of revenues from state sales tax on gasoline and the sale and lease of motor vehicles for transportation purposes.

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May 10

A.G. File No. 2001-014

Congestion Relief Transportation Trust Fund #1

The use of state sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of motor vehicles for transportation purposes.

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April 26

A.G. File No. 2001-013

Smoking Cessation Services

The proposed measure would require tobacco retailers statewide to provide information on smoking cessation services to customers who purchase tobacco products. It would require the Department of Health Services (DHS) to produce a card containing smoking cessation information and to distribute this card to retailers for them to use.

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April 24

A.G. File No. 2001-012

Local Option Term Limits Initiative

This measure would allow voters in an Assembly or Senate district to petition the Secretary of State to permit a legislator, who would normally be ineligible to serve an additional term due to term limits, to be a candidate for that office during the next election.

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May 2

A.G. File No. 2001-011

California Welfare Reform Act of 2002, Amendment No. 1-S

This measure would require all able-bodied adults under age 62 receiving CalWORKs or Kin-GAP assistance to work at least 32 hours per week in nonsubsidized employment, or in subsidized employment for an unrelated adult or a government agency.

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April 10

A.G. File No. 2001-010

California Clemency Board

This measure would repeal the Governor’s authority to grant clemency and instead transfer clemency authority to the California Clemency Board, which would consist of county clemency boards.

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April 10

A.G. File No. 2001-009

Monorail transportation system demonstration program

The measure statutorily requires the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to design and construct ten monorail systems statewide, using funds appropriated by the Legislature, in order to test the effectiveness of monorail transportation in different settings.

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April 6

A.G. File No. 2001-008

The CalFed-Home Water Agency Act #21336

This measure gives the department additional responsibilities related to the development of “affordable housing communities” adjacent to planned lakes and reservoir systems.

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March 27

A.G. File No. 2001-007

Let the Voters Decide

This measure amends the California Constitution to require that a three-member panel of “special masters” appointed by the Judicial Council, rather than the Legislature, develop reapportionment plans.

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March 19

A.G. File No. 2001-006

Racial Privacy Initiative

This constitutional initiative prohibits state and local governments from collecting data on a person's race, ethnicity, color, or national origin for the purposes of public education, contracting, and employment. This prohibition also would apply to state and local government operations generally, unless the Legislature passes by a two-thirds majority and the Governor signs legislation approving the collection of such data to "fulfill a compelling state interest."

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March 15

A.G. File No. 2001-005

People's Gaming Act

The initiative amends the State Constitution to legalize Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling in 12 California cities and on one Indian reservation for a period of 28 years. As Section 9005 directs, our review addresses the potential effects of the initiative on state and local government costs and revenues.

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March 13

A.G. File No. 2001-004

Child and Family Protection Act

This initiative makes several changes to the juvenile dependency court process.

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March 7

A.G. File No. 2001-002

Unborn Children, Amendment No. 1-S

This measure would amend Section 43.1 of the California Civil Code to specify that unborn children have life because life begins at conception.

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