Initiative Analyses

December 1

A.G. File No. 1999-045

School Vouchers. State-Funded Private and Religious Education. Public School Funding.

This proposition, which amends the State's Constitution, makes major changes in public funding for K-12 education.

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November 9

A.G. File No. 1999-044

Alcoholic Beverage Purchases

Allows businesses selling alcohol to stay open two additional hours

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November 5

A.G. File No. 1999-042

Same sex marriages

Allows two people of the same sex to lawfully marry.

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December 6

A.G. File No. 1999-040

Drug Treatment Diversion Program. Initiative Statute., Amendment No. 2-NS

This measure changes state law so that certain adult offenders who use or possess illegal drugs would receive drug treatment and supervision in the community, rather than being sent to prison or jail or supervised in the community, generally without drug treatment. The measure also provides state funds to counties to operate the drug treatment programs.

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December 6

A.G. File No. 1999-038

Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Version A), Amendment No. 2-NS

Modifies sentences for nonviolent drug possession offenses; makes changes in transfer of asset forfeiture process.

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November 3

A.G. File No. 1999-037

The People’s Gaming Act

Allows casino-type gaming in California City and on one Indian reservation.

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November 9

A.G. File No. 1999-035

California Veteran Farm and Home Purchase Program, Amendment No. 2-S

Requires audit of Cal-Vet Loan Program.

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September 16

A.G. File No. 1999-034

The Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Labeling

This measure provides that foods produced with genetically engineered "influences" be labeled at the retail level with the words "Produced with Genetically Engineered Ingredients" printed in type equal to and immediately preceding the product ingredient labeling.

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September 9

A.G. File No. 1999-032


This measure would amend the California Constitution to specify that the right to privacy does not provide a right to an abortion or public funding of abortions, or a right of minors to obtain abortions without parental consent.

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September 9

A.G. File No. 1999-031

Death Penalty

This measure would amend the California Constitution to prohibit the imposition of the death penalty as the penalty for any crime punished by the state. The measure also specifies that offenders under a sentence of death at the time of this measure's enactment would not be executed and would instead serve a prison term of life without the possibility of parole.

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September 9

A.G. File No. 1999-029

Infidelity, Amendment No. 1-S

This measure provides that a spouse, as defined, who commits an act of infidelity, as defined, and the person with whom he or she commits the act (unless the person has no knowledge of the infidelity), are liable to the other spouse of either or both. The measure provides that the liability could take a number of forms, including loss of wages or income caused by emotional distress; damages for therapy incurred for recovery from the distress, including support for minor children; and a court-ordered apology to the aggrieved party. Current law does not provide such civil liability.

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July 30

A.G. File No. 1999-028

California Defense of Sexual Responsibility Act of 2000

This measure prohibits public entities in California from (1) using the phrase "sexual orientation" and (2) endorsing, educating, recognizing, or promoting homosexuality as an "acceptable, moral behavior."

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July 28

A.G. File No. 1999-026

Judicial Accountability Initiative Law

The initiative proposes a constitutional amendment that would enact changes to the existing immunity provided to judges for actions taken within the scope of their judicial capacity.

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July 27

A.G. File No. 1999-025

The Tribal Government Gaming and Economic Self-Sufficiency Measure of 2000

The measure amends the California Constitution and California statutes to legalize certain types of gambling on Indian lands in California.

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July 27

A.G. File No. 1999-022

Family Communication and Parental Responsibility Act

This measure would require physicians to notify at least one of the parents or legal guardians of a pregnant unemancipated minor prior to performing an abortion unless (1) a medical emergency makes an immediate abortion necessary or (2) a juvenile court has granted a waiver of this requirement.

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