May 21
This constitutional measure: (1) Establishes a system of nontaxable scholarships for parents sending their children to private schools, and (2) replaces the state’s constitutional funding guarantee for K-14 education (commonly known as “Proposition 98") with an alternate minimum guarantee operable under certain economic conditions.
April 15
This measure provides that K-14 jurisdictions could incur bonded indebtedness for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of K-14 school facilities if approved by a majority of the local jurisdiction voters. Any such proposal submitted to the voters must include: (1) a provision that the bond proceeds will be used only for school facilities purposes listed in the proposition; (2) a list of specific school facilities projects to be funded; and (3) a requirement of an annual, independent financial audit.
April 5
This measure eliminates certain provisions of Proposition 10, including the California Children and Families First Fund and the 50 cents per pack excise tax on cigarettes and the equivalent tax on other tobacco products which were effective January 1, 1999.
April 1
This measure provides that K-14 jurisdictions could incur bonded indebtedness for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of K-14 school facilities if approved by a majority of the local jurisdiction voters. Any such proposal submitted to the voters must include: (1) a provision that the bond proceeds will be used only for school facilities purposes listed in the proposition; (2) a list of specific school facilities projects to be funded; and (3) a requirement of an annual, independent financial audit.
March 11
This proposition amends the State Constitution to allow the state and local governments to contract with qualified private entities for architectural and engineering services for all phases of a public works project.
March 10
The vehicle license fee (VLF) is an annual fee on the ownership of a registered vehicle in California, levied in place of taxing vehicles as personal property. The fee rate is 2 percent of a vehicle's current estimated value—calculated from the current owner's depreciated purchase price. The revenues are primarily distributed to cities and counties. The 1998 tax relief package passed by the Legislature included a permanent reduction in the VLF of 25 percent, with the potential of greater reductions beginning in 2000-01 if General Fund revenues grow faster than currently projected. As part of this tax reduction agreement, cities and counties will continue to receive the same amount of revenues as under prior law, with the reduced revenues replaced by General Fund spending. This constitutional measure would further reduce the VLF over a two year period and eliminate it in the third year.
December 30
This measure, self-titled the "Student Charter Act," adds provisions to the Education Code to establish (1) a new system of testing K-12 school pupils and (2) a system of cash grants for parents of private school children who pass the tests.
December 4
This initiative would establish the California State Office of Ombudsman General which would be responsible for ensuring that no state laws are in conflict with the United States Constitution or the California Constitution.
June 30
This measure provides that, if a balanced state budget is not enacted by June 15th each year, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Members of the Legislature (1) must forfeit one year's salary and (2) may not run for reelection or for another public office for four years after their terms end.
May 7
The measure would amend the California Constitution to (1) modify the provisions related to the establishment of salaries for state elected officials and (2) limit travel and living expenses by Members of the Legislature.
April 20
This measure allows specified business establishments to remain open and sell alcoholic beverages for an additional two hours on specified days, and establishes a per-drink surcharge on all beverages sold during those two hours.