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Student Fees [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - The Governor proposes a variety of fee increases at all three public segments. While we believe most of these increases are reasonable, we recommend slightly smaller increases for several fees. We also recommend establishing a long-term fee policy that links student fees to a fixed percentage of educational costs.

Medical marijuana. [Ballot]

Nov 10, 2015 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

The 2018-19 Budget: The May Revision—State Project Infrastructure Fund

May 14, 2018 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The advance scrutiny of the agency requests and the excellent cooperation which has been afforded us by the bu,dget staff. in furnishing us with copies of the galley proofs of the budget document prior to its release to the public has made it possible for the major part of this analysis to be made available to the Senate Finance Committee and the .Assembly Ways and Means Com- mittee well in advance of the presentation of the Budget to the Legisla- ture.


With the exception of the State Com- pensation Insurance Fund, which operates as a public service nonprofit enterprise, the department's programs will be discussed in the above order in the analysis and recommendations which follow.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Business

High premium rates or the . inability of property owners to secure any insurance in such situations resulted from the lack of a reinsurance facility for insurance com- panies (i.e., another insurance company which insures a portion on all of the liability on the risk).

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Higher Education Four-Year Plan

We describe the proposals and provide com ments on them below. Operating and Capital Outlay Funding The compact calls for operating budget increases averaging four percent over the three-year period beginning in 1996-97.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of the Youth Authority (5460)

These categories are based in part on the seriousness of the com mitment offense. The sliding scale legislation was intended to provide counties with a fiscal incentive to develop and use more locally-based programs for less serious juvenile off enders, thereby reducing their dependence on costly Youth Authority commitments.

[PDF] State Information Technology: An Update

Subsequently, this com- mittee was replaced in the Senate by a Select Committee on Informa- tion Technology. In the Assembly, several policy committees were formed or expanded to address information technology issues, and a separate budget subcommittee was established to review information technology-related budgets.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

REVENUE ESTIMATES For 1964-65 total state income is estimated at $3,129,916,586 com- pared to the total of $3,038,683,656 for 1963-64. This represents an in- crease of $91,232,930 or 3 percent. The General Fund portion of total income is anticipated to reach $2,197,529,216 which is up $5,247,389 or 0.2 percent from the total of $2,192,281,827 estimated for 1963-64.