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Supplemental Report 2002-03

It is the intent of the Legislature that UC continue the following activities regarding the approval process and subsequent maintenance of the a-g course lists: Continue to enhance and update both the a-g interactive guide and the a-g online web sites.

[PDF] Water Special Districts: A Look at Governance and Public Participation

Creation of a special district through a general water district act requires an application through the Local Agency Formation Com- mission (LAFCO) in a district’s county. On the other hand, a number of water districts have been formed by a special act of the Legislature.

[PDF] 2003-04: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

The Governor has proposed a com- prehensive plan for addressing the state’s fis- cal problems. The Legislature faces a formi- dable task in carefully evaluating the plan’s in- dividual elements and the many important policy issues it raises.

A Review of the California Youth Authority's Infrastructure

For instance, existing celled housing has been retrofitted with steel plating on the walls and ceiling, and food pass-through slots have been installed in cell doors. Other modifications include replacement of windows and instal lation of secure ceiling lights and video cameras for ward monitoring.

[PDF] “Remodeling” the Drug Medi-Cal Program

This includes funds for administrative support and local assistance for the main por- tion of the program, as well as a separate com- ponent for perinatal programs. Federal funds are shown as reimbursements in the DADP budget, 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E A N L A O R E P O R T and are reflected as

California's Fiscal Outlook LAO Projections 2004-05 Through 2009-10

There is no clear link, however, between the compacts' funding targets and the Master Plan. In addition, the Legislature was not party to these compacts, and thus we believe it shoul d be guided by its own priorities for the segments in its annual deliberations on the state budget.

[PDF] Fiscal Outlook Lao Projection 2004-05 Through 2009-10

The General Fund spending totals for 2006-07 and be- yond are increased by $1.3 billion annually due to the expiration of the two-year di- version of local property taxes from local governments to school districts.

An Assessment: Governor's Local Government Proposal

LAO Recommendation: Revise Mandate Proposal to Link Authority and Responsibility For about a year, the Assembly Special Committee on Mandates has been reviewing individual state mandates and the mandate process.

[PDF] Improving Coastal Access and Development Mitigation

These permit conditions are intended to com- pensate the public for adverse impacts of new development on the state’s natural resources and to ensure access to the coast. The Coastal Commission’s mitigation strate- gies include owners offering to dedicate por- tions of their property to public use as a condi- tion of receiving a coastal development permit.