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The 2013-14 Budget: Overview of the May Revision

Were the Legislature to deem CCSS implementation the highest of these priorities, it then would want to consider both how much to provide and what requirements, if any, to link with the funding. As part of this decision making, the Legislature would want to consider the amount of existing local, state, and federal resources that can be used to cover CCSS implementation costs,

The 2014-15 Budget: The Commission on Teacher Credentialing

In addition to consolidating the TCF and TDAA into one account, we recommend the Legislature work with the administration and CTC to refine budget documents such that revenues from fees can be more easily linked with associated expenditures.

The 2014-15 Budget: Maintaining Education Facilities in California

The annual budget appropriation for the SSS has remained relatively constant in recent years —even throughout the economic downturn —and historically has not been linked directly to the number of students actually served by the schools and centers.

The 2014-15 Budget: Analysis of the Higher Education Budget

Though systemwide enrollment was somewhat above the budgeted level in 2012 –13, more than a dozen districts failed to meet their enrollment targets —representing a total of $41 million in unfilled enrollment slots.

The 2015-16 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

In the Governor ’s Budget Summary , the Governor critiques the state ’s existing workforce system, noting that the state lacks a coordinated approach to workforce development that links the efforts of various workforce entities.

The 2015-16 Budget: Centralizing State IT Project Management

Strides in private sector technology allow the public to access tools that improve their daily lives —from online portals that facilitate communicating with doctors to mobile applications that schedule restaurant reservations.

Next Steps for Improving State Accountability for Alternative Schools

Given the evaluation rubrics are supposed to be linked to the goals and data in the LCAP, we believe adopting our recommendations for (1) improving the types of data reported for these schools, and (2) highlighting that data within the LCAP, are good first steps towards this goal.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Justice Budget Proposals

Chapter 700 of 2022 (AB 2879, Low): Cyberbullying Online Content Requires social media platforms disclose all cyberbullying reporting procedures in its terms of service and provide an online mechanism to report cyberbullying or any content that violates existing terms of service.

Promoting Health Information Technology in California A State Policy Approach

Through this program, which CMS expanded nationwide in 2006, Lumetra provides online training and personal assistance to teach California physicians how to select and use EHR software. CHCF . The CHCF supports a wide variety of health care projects in California through research, education, and funding.

Restoring the Salton Sea

Just as the State Water Project did not achieve its purpose of providing water supplies to the Central Valley and Southern California until the system of reservoirs, pumps, and canals was linked together, the goal of restoring the Sea will likely only be fully realized once all the components of one of the alternatives (or a variation thereof) are completed.