May 2018

Higher Education

Summary of CSU Recommendations


May Revision Proposal

LAO Recommendation

Repercussions if tuition increase adopted

Reduces General Fund appropriation if CSU increases tuition. Ties reduction to associated Cal Grant and Middle Class Scholarship cost increases.

Reject This Year. Not relevant given the statutory time frames for adopting tuition increases already have elapsed this year. Prospectively, could adopt language (1) linking segment’s state support with tuition levels and (2) reducing state support dollar for dollar if CSU were not to honor a tuition agreement with the Legislature.

Deferred maintenance

Provides $100 million one time.

Modify. Require CSU by December 1, 2018 to submit a plan to eliminate its backlog and improve maintenance practices.

Cost‑of‑living adjustment (COLA) for Capital Fellows Program

Provides $5,000 ongoing increase.

Adopt. Reflects revised COLA.