January 2019
2019-20 Changes in K-12 Proposition 98 Spending
(In Millions)
2018-19 Revised Spending | $68,693 |
Technical Adjustments | |
LCFF backfill (for ongoing costs covered with one-time funds in 2018-19) | $475 |
Categorical programs (declining attendance) | -19 |
Prior-year one-time spending | -311 |
Other adjustments | 58 |
Subtotal | ($203) |
Preschool | |
COLA (3.46 percent) | $41 |
2,959 full-day slots added in April 1, 2019 (annualize cost) | 27 |
Non-LEA preschool (shift to non-Proposition 98 funding) | -297 |
Subtotal | ($-229) |
K-12 Education | |
LCFF COLA for districts and charter schools (3.46 percent) | $2,027 |
Grants for schools with large concentrations of students with disabilitiesa | 390 |
COLA for select categorical programs (3.46 percent)b | 146 |
COLA for county offices of education | 9 |
Standardized school district accounting system replacement (one time) | 3 |
Subtotal | ($2,575) |
Total Changes | $2,549 |
2019-20 Proposed Spending | $71,242 |
a Budget appropriates a total of $577 million for this purpose, including $177 million in settle-up funds and $9 million in unspent prior-year funds. | |
b Applies to special education, child nutrition, mandates block grant, services for foster youth, adults in correctional facilities, and American Indian education. | |
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. LEA = local education agency. |