July 2020

Community Colleges

Changes in California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending

2020-21 (In Millions)

    Enacted Contingency Difference
One-Time Actions        
Apportionment deferrals Defers district payments from the latter half of 2020-21 to the first half of 2021-22.a -$1,123.1 -$332.0b $791.1
Calbright College Scoops some unspent prior-year funds—leaving an estimated $82 million in unspent prior-year funds. -40.0 -40.0
COVID-19 response block grant Helps colleges cover costs stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak. Colleges may use funds for cleaning supplies, mental health and other support services for students impacted by COVID-19, and professional development for faculty teaching online, among other purposes.c 33.0 33.0
Other Funds apportionment costs that were supported in 2019-20 with one-time solutions ($330 million from the deferral and $49 million from the fund swap). 379.3 379.3
Subtotals   (-$750.8) ($40.3) ($791.1)
Ongoing Spending        
Calbright College Reduces base funding from $20 million to $15 million. -$5.0 -$5.0
Immigrant legal services Funds consultations and other legal services for undocumented and immigrant students and employees at community colleges. 10.0 10.0
Dreamer resource liaisons Funds college staff to provide guidance to undocumented students on accessing legal services, financial aid, job internships, and other services and programs. 5.8 5.8
Other Includes several technical adjustments based on workload or participation-driven estimates. -4.7 -4.7
Subtotals   ($6.1) ($6.1) (-) 
Total 2020-21 Changes   -$744.7 $46.4 $791.1
a The 2020-21 budget package also maintains $330 million in apportionment deferrals initiated in 2019-20. These $330 million in deferrals remain under both the enacted and contingency budget plans.    
b Under Section 8.28 of the 2020-21 Budget Act, up to $791 million in payment deferrals will be rescinded if the state receives $14 billion or more in additional federal relief funds. The amount rescinded is proportionally reduced if the state receives more than $2 billion but less than $14 billion in additional federal relief funds.  
c Both the enacted and contingency budget plans also include $33 million in 2019-20 Proposition 98 funds and $54 million in federal relief funds for this purpose. The federal funds come from the Coronavirus Relief Fund created by the CARES Act.  
COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019. CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security.