July 2020

Higher Education

Federal COVID-19 Funds by Higher Education Segment

(In Millions)

Funds California Community Colleges California State University University of California Other public institutions Private nonprofit institutions Private
for-profit institutions
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funda           
Formula-Based Grants: Student Aid $289.8 $262.7 $130.0 $2.2 $83.8 $85.0 $853.6
Formula-Based Grants: Institutional Relief 289.8 262.7 130.0 2.2 83.8 85.0 853.6
Minority-Serving Institutions 33.4 38.3 7.4 4.5 83.6
Institutions With Unmet Needb 0.4 5.3 27.0 32.8
Subtotals ($613.5) ($563.7) ($267.5) ($9.7) ($199.2) ($170.0) ($1,823.6)
Coronavirus Relief Fundc $54.0 $54.0
Totals $667.4 $563.7 $267.5 $9.7 $199.2 $170.0 $1,877.5
aFunds were allocated by the U.S. Department of Education directly to institutions in spring 2020 to help them respond to the effects of COVID-19. Institutions have one year to spend the funds. Excludes CARES Act funding that higher education institutions might have received for other purposes, such as research and development.
bExcludes funds ($28 million nationally) that will be awarded through a competitive process. As of October 2020, recipients have not yet been announced.
cFunds were allocated as part of the state's 2020-21 budget package. Colleges have until December 30, 2020 to spend these funds.  
COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019. CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.