July 2021

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Funding by Source

Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student

   2019-20 Revised  2020-21 Revised  2021-22 Enacted Change From 2020-21
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Fund $6,064 $7,296 $7,063 -$232 -3.2%
Local property tax 3,226 3,327 3,535 208 6.3
   Subtotals ($9,290) ($10,622) ($10,598) (-$24) (-0.2%)
Other State          
Other General Fund $658 $634 $660 $26 4.0%
Lottery 221 233 233 --- -0.2a
Special funds 51 40 95 55 135.0
   Subtotals ($930) ($908) ($988) ($80) (8.8%)
Other Local          
Enrollment fees $435 $449 $450 $2 0.3%
Other local revenueb 5,566 5,589 5,615 26 0.5
   Subtotals ($6,002) ($6,038) ($6,066) ($27) (0.5%)
Federal stimulus fundsc $620 $1,431 $2,648 $1,217 85.0%
Other federal funds 365 365 365 --- ---
   Subtotals ($985) ($1,797) ($3,014) ($1,217) (67.7%)
Totals $17,207 $19,366 $20,666 $1,300 6.7%
FTE studentsd 1,113,324 1,097,490 1,104,666 7,176 0.7%e
Proposition 98 funding per FTE student $8,344 $9,679 $9,594 -$85 -0.9%
Total funding per FTE student $15,455 $17,646 $18,708 $1,062 6.0%
a Difference of less than $500,000.  
b Primarily consists of revenue from student fees (other than enrollment fees), sales and services, and grants and contracts, as well as local debt-service payments.
c Consists of federal relief funds provided directly to colleges as well as allocated through state budget decisions. This table contains more detail on federal relief funds for community colleges.
d Reflects budgeted FTE students. Actual FTE students in 2019-20 and 2020-21 is notably lower than budgeted, as districts benefitted from certain hold harmless provisions that effectively insulated their budgets from enrollment declines that have occurred during the pandemic.
e Reflects the net funded 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth together with all other enrollment adjustments.
FTE = full-time equivalent.