July 2021

Financial Aid

Changes in California Student Aid Commission Total Spending

2021-22 (In Millions)

Ongoing Spending  
Cal Grants  
CCC Expanded Entitlement Program $153
SWDC supplemental awards for CCC Entitlement recipients 82
Foster youth supplemental awards 15
Private nonprofit award increase 5
Caseload and technical adjustments 11a
Grant Delivery System Modernization 1
Restoration of employee salaries 1
Other caseload and technical adjustments b
Subtotal ($268)
One-Time Spending  
Golden State Teacher Grants $500
Golden State Education and Training Program 500
Learning-Aligned Employment Program 200c
Grant Delivery System Modernization 1
Subtotal ($1,201)
Total Changes $1,469d
a Adjustments are relative to 2020-21 revised spending levels. Includes $7.5 million for the Dreamer Service Incentive Grant Program, which was authorized in 2019-20 but suspended until 2021-22.
b Less than $500,000.
c The budget agreement includes an additional $300 million one-time General Fund for this purpose in 2022-23.
d These spending increases are offset by the removal of $27 million in prior-year, one-time funds.
SWDC = students with dependent children.