July 2021

Financial Aid

Middle Class Scholarship Program

Recipients and Spending by Segment

2020-21 Revised 2021-22 Enacted Change from 2020-21
Amount Percent
CSU 47,039 45,202 46,581 1,379 3.1%
UC 11,079 11,828 13,012 1,184 10.0
Total 58,118 57,030 59,593 2,563 4.5%
Spending (in thousands)          
CSU $82,676 $78,933 $78,073 -$860 -1.1%
UC 33,881 38,023 38,927 904 2.4
Total $116,557 $116,956 $117,000 $44 a
Average award          
CSU $1,758 $1,746 $1,676 -$70 -4.0%
UC $3,058 $3,215 $2,992 -223 -6.9
Data for 2019-20 and 2020-21 reflect California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) estimates. Data for 2021-22 reflect CSAC estimates adjusted by LAO to align with the enacted spending level.
For 2021-22, students with a household income of up to $191,000 are eligible for a Middle Class Scholarship. The maximum award amount is set at 40 percent of systemwide tuition and fees ($2,298 at CSU and $5,028 at UC). Award amounts are graduated downward as a student's household income increases.
Beginning in 2021-22, award amounts for all recipients are expected to be prorated to keep total program spending at the statutory limit of $117 million.
a Less than 0.05 percent.     
CSU = California State University. UC = University of California.