July 2024

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student)

  2022-23 Final 2023-24 Revised 2024-25 Enacted Change From 2023-24
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Fund $8,302 $8,173a $8,847 $674 8.2%
Local property tax 3,884 4,094 4,260 167 4.1
   Subtotals ($12,187) ($12,267) ($13,108) ($841) (6.9%)
Other State          
Other General Fund $618 $610 $653b $43 7.0%
Lottery 367 316 316 c -0.1
Special funds 24 102 100 -2 -2.0
   Subtotals ($1,009) ($1,027) ($1,068) ($40) (3.9%)
Other Local          
Enrollment fees $429 $413 $414 $1 0.3%
Other local revenued 2,907 2,907 2,935 28 1.0
   Subtotals ($3,336) ($3,320) ($3,349) ($29) (0.9%)
Federal $441 $441 $441
Totals $16,972 $17,055 $17,965 $910 5.3%
FTE studentse 1,100,665 1,085,205 1,101,584 16,379 1.5%f
Proposition 98 funding per FTE studente $11,072 $11,304a $11,899 $595 5.3%
a Includes $788 million in withdrawals from the Proposition 98 Reserve.
b Includes funding for the Chancellor's Office before any reductions are applied pursuant to Control Section 4.05 and Control Section 4.12. Actual funding for the Chancellor's Office in 2024-25 will be determined through a budget exercise led by the Department of Finance.
c Difference of less than $500,000.
d Primarily consists of revenue from student fees (other than enrollment fees), sales and services, and grants and contracts, as well as local debt-service payments.
e Reflects budgeted FTE students.
f Reflects the net change after accounting for the enacted 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth together with all other enrollment adjustments.
FTE = full-time equivalent.