July 2024

Community Colleges

2024-25 Changes in California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

2023-24 Revised Spending $12,267
Ongoing Spending  
COLA for apportionments (1.07 percent) $100
Student Success Completion Grant (caseload adjustment) 50
Enrollment growth (0.5 percent) 28
COLA for select categorical programs (1.07 percent)a 13
   Subtotal ($191)
One-Time Spending  
Student financial aid administration $20
Apprenticeship instructional hours 1
   Subtotal ($21)
Other Actions  
Backfill prior-year one-time funds supporting ongoing costs $461
Pay for cost shift from 2023-24 446
Other technical adjustments -13
Use prior-year savings to fund 2024-25 apportionments costs -22
Defer some apportionments payments to 2025-26 -244
   Subtotal ($628)
Total Changesb $841
2024-25 Enacted Spending $13,108
a Applies to the Adult Education Program, apprenticeship programs, CalWORKs student services, campus child care support, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, and mandates block grant.
b In addition to the items shown, the budget package uses reappropriated Proposition 98 funds (previously appropriated funds that were not spent) for two one-time purposes: $12 million for eTranscript California expansion and $6 million for a credit for prior learning initiative. The budget package also earmarks some existing Strong Workforce Program funds for two purposes. It earmarks $60 million annually for five years for a new nursing initiative and $5 million one time for developing new education pathways for low-income workers.
COLA = cost-of-living adjustment.