July 2024

Community Colleges

2022-23 and 2023-24 Changes in California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending

One-Time Adjustments (In Millions)

2022-23 Spending in 2023-24 Budget Act $12,331
Cost shift to 2023-24a -$242
Increase in local property tax revenues 98
Total Changes -$144
2022-23 Final Spending $12,187b
2023-24 Budget Act Spending $12,456
Pay for cost shift from 2022-23 $242
Cost shift to 2024-25 -446
Technical adjustments 16
Total Changes -$189
2023-24 Revised Spending $12,267c
a Reflects shift to 2023-24 of certain categorical program and apportionments funds that were not disbursed to districts in 2022-23.
b Includes $771 million in payments to districts that are attributed to future fiscal years for state accounting purposes.
c Amount includes $788 million in costs covered by withdrawals from the Proposition 98 Reserve.