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February 20, 2002 - Our annual detailed examination of the Budget Bill based on the Governor's Budget. It includes hundreds of findings and recommendations related to education, health and social services, criminal justice, transportation, resources, capital outlay, information technology, and local government.
January 15, 2002 - The 2002-03 Governor's Budget offers a plan for addressing the state's $12-plus billion budgetary shortfall. While "on paper" the plan appears to work, many of its assumptions are overly optimistic, it relies largely on one-time solutions, and it results in substantial long- term out-year costs. Moreover, the plan does not resolve the state's budgetary imbalance in subsequent years.
December 19, 2001 - Due to weak economic and revenue performance, California faces a $12.4 billion budget shortfall in 2002-03. We identify several key budget-balancing principles and strategies and identify specific spending and revenue options for implementing these strategies. Finally, we review the administration's initial proposals to address the current-year shortfall and offer additional current-year options for the Legislature to consider.
November 14, 2001 - California will end 2001-02 with a deficit of $4.5 billion, while the 2002-03 budget year faces a shortfall of $12.4 billion and potentially even more if the recovery we are assuming for next spring is delayed. Annual budget shortfalls will persist well beyond 2002-03 absent corrective actions. Thus substantial ongoing expenditure cuts and/or revenue augmentations are required to bring the budget back into balance.
September 24, 2001 - The 2001-02 Budget Act was signed into law by Governor Davis on July 26, 2001. Together with its related implementing legislation, the budget authorizes total spending from all funds of $103.3 billion. This report details the contents of this measure.
June 26, 2001 - A summary of the Budget Bill as adopted by the Conference Committee.
June 3, 2001 - Handout presented to the 2001-02 Conference Committee on the Budget. Compares key features of the budgets adopted by the two houses and outlines key considerations for the committee.
May 25, 2001 - A summary of the Assembly Budget Bill as adopted by the Budget Committee.
May 16, 2001 - The May Revision reports a $5.7 billion deterioration in the state's fiscal condition. This assumes that the General Fund will be reimbursed from revenue bonds for the $7 billion plus it has committed for purchasing electricity. While the Governor's plan would result in a balanced budget in 2001-02, we estimate that the state would likely face a further shortfall of roughly $4 billion in 2002-03.
May 9, 2001 - We estimate that General Fund revenues will be $3.4 billion less than estimated by the Governor for the current and budget years combined. In addition, we discuss the amount of one-time and ongoing spending reductions that would be needed to keep the budget in balance and the fiscal implications of funding Proposition 98 under our updated estimates.
February 26, 2001 - Graphical slide presentation providing an overview of our Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill.