Helen Kerstein
(916) 319-8364
Forestry, Parks, and High Speed Rail
Sonja Petek
(916) 319-8340
Water, Coastal Development, and Fish and Wildlife
Frank Jimenez
(916) 319-8324
Highways and Roads, Recycling, Agriculture, and Toxics
Luke Koushmaro
(916) 319-8355
Mass Transportation, Traffic Enforcement, Statewide Planning and Infrastructure
Rachel Ehlers
(916) 319-8330
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Environment and Transportation


Environment and Natural Resources

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Environmental Programs Continue to Become More User Friendly

February 23, 1994 - Environmental Programs Continue to Become More User Friendly


Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Resources Chapter

February 22, 1994 - Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Resources Chapter


Financing of Resources and Environmental Programs

February 1, 1992 - Financing of Resources and Environmental Programs


A Perspective on the Drought in California

November 21, 1991 - Despite heavy rains in March 1991, California continues to face a serious near-term water problem resulting from five years of drought. In fact, the amount of water in storage on October 1, 1991 was about equal to the amount in storage one year ago—a year in which strict conservation measures were imposed in some areas and there were significant reductions in water supplies for many agricultural users. In this paper, we provide background information on California's water system, the impact of the drought, water needs in the future, and legislative options for coping with water supply limitations.


A Review of the Department of Fish and Game: Issues and Options for Improving Its Performance

September 3, 1991 - We recommend various steps to improve the performance of the DFG Department of Fish and Game.


Organizing State Government to Meet California's Environmental Protection Priorities

May 22, 1991 - The purpose of this issue paper is to assist the Legislature in understanding the organizational and policy issues surrounding the state's environmental programs, and in evaluating how the specific reorganization proposals address these issues. In this paper we discuss how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state's environmental protection efforts through changes in the organization of environmental programs and through changes in the process for setting environmental protection priorities.


Cal-EPA Proposals

May 7, 1991 - Cal-EPA Proposals


State Oil Spill Preparedness and Response

February 21, 1990 - In this analysis, we review the history of major offshore oil spills near California and the efforts to ensure a reasonable level of safety and environmental protection in this area. We then contrast this with the current system to handle smaller, mostly onshore oil spills in the state. Finally, we present some alternatives to consider in attempting to improve this system.


Air Quality Improvement: An Alternative Strategy

February 21, 1990 - In this analysis we review command and control regulatory policies (CCR), examine the deficiencies of CCR policies, present an overview of incentives-based regulation (IBR) and discuss specific IBR policies.


State Asbestos Abatement Programs

February 1, 1989 - State Asbestos Abatement Programs


Solid Waste Management in California

February 1, 1989 - Solid Waste Management in California


Implementing the California Clean Air Act

February 1, 1989 - Implementing the California Clean Air Act


An Evaluation of the State's Alternative Energy Finance Program (Safe-Bidco)

January 1, 1989 - This report, submitted pursuant to the Supplemental Report of the 1988 Budget Act, contains our findings and recommendations concerning the State Assistance Fund for Energy, California Business and Industrial Development Corporation (SAFE-BillCO). Specifically, the Supplemental Report directed our office to evaluate SAFE-BillCO's performance in meeting its original statutory goals and to determine the cost-effectiveness of providing financial assistance to small businesses through the use of federal loan guarantees as opposed to other forms of state assistance.


A Status Report on Proposition 65--The Safe Drinking Water And Toxic Enforcement Act Of 1986

February 1, 1988 - A Status Report on Proposition 65--The Safe Drinking Water And Toxic Enforcement Act Of 1986


The Safe Drinking Water Bond Program: A Review

January 1, 1988 - The Safe Drinking Water Bond program provides grants and low-interest loans to assist local water suppliers in meeting minimum drinking water standards. This report presents our findings and recommendations regarding the bond program as required by Section 13819(d) of the Water Code, which was added by the Safe Drinking Water Bond Law of 1984 (Ch 378/84).