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December 1, 1996 - The Legislature and the Governor created the Class Size Reduction (CSR) program as part of the 1996-97 Budget Act. The program is intended to increase educational achievement by reducing statewide average class size from 28.5 to no more than 20 in up to three grades from kindergarten through third.
June 3, 1996 - Proposed Settlement Agreement of CTA v. Gould
February 21, 1996 - The current system of funding ongoing maintenance and deferred maintenance creates counterproductive fiscal incentives that encourage the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges to defer needed maintenance. We recommend specific steps the Legislature should take to resolve the existing backlogs in deferred maintenance and the underfunding of regular maintenance.
February 21, 1996 - Community Colleges Contract Education
November 21, 1995 - (1) California Remedial Education, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments
June 1, 1995 - University of California Workload, Costs, and Fees