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February 18, 1998 - We identify several revenue and spending options that the Legislature has in responding to the problems and opportunities posed by the new federal "Hope Scholarship" and "Lifetime Learning" tax credits.
February 18, 1998 - Financing Priority Capital Outlay Projects
February 18, 1998 - Assessing Seismic Risk in Higher Education Buildings
February 1, 1998 - we project that total enrollments in 2005 will be 2,142,000. This represents annual growth of 0.3 percent from 1991 to 2005. Such growth, rather than of tidal wave proportions, would actually be dramatically lower than the 2.7 percent annual growth in enrollments experienced by the three segments between 1970 and 1991.
February 19, 1997 - Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay
February 21, 1996 - The current system of funding ongoing maintenance and deferred maintenance creates counterproductive fiscal incentives that encourage the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges to defer needed maintenance. We recommend specific steps the Legislature should take to resolve the existing backlogs in deferred maintenance and the underfunding of regular maintenance.
February 21, 1996 - Community Colleges Contract Education
November 21, 1995 - (1) California Remedial Education, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments
June 1, 1995 - University of California Workload, Costs, and Fees