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November 6, 2023

The 2023-24 California Spending Plan

Human Services

California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS)

The spending plan includes $355.1 million ($105.8 million General Fund) in 2023-24 for the development, implementation, maintenance, and operations of CalSAWS—the state’s public benefit eligibility and payment system. An additional $170.1 million ($104.4 million General Fund) is appropriated in 2023-24 for updates to CalSAWS (and other smaller information technology systems) to automate recent state budget and policy actions, and to maintain and operate the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Information Network (CalWIN) system until all remaining CalWIN counties migrate to CalSAWS by the federal deadline of December 31, 2023. The spending plan also includes an additional $1.25 million General Fund in 2023-24 and ongoing for new CalSAWS-related state operations costs at the Department of Health Care Services and Department of Social Services. (Other CalSAWS-related funding, such as funding for the interface between CalSAWS and the Child Welfare Services - California Automated Response and Engagement System , is covered in other sections of our spending plan series.) The Legislature also adopted supplemental report language that requires both the administration and CalSAWS to submit a report on or before January 10, 2024 on the project’s efforts to improve its engagement with stakeholders to solicit and integrate their feedback and input into the public-facing elements of CalSAWS.