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LAO Report


AIDS Education in Correctional Facilities: A Review

January 1, 1990 - This report is submitted in response to Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1988 (Senate Bill 1913, Presley). Chapter 1579 requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to determine whether the Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Department of the Youth Authority (CYA) have adequate education, prevention, and treatment programs related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and whether the programs are being properly implemented. Additionally, the law requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to assess the quality of AIDS education and prevention programs in county and city jails.


Bonds and the 1990 Ballots

January 1, 1990 - One of the more significant issues facing the Legislature during the next several months will be to decide what bond measures it should place on the June and November statewide ballots for voter approval. This decision is important because bonds are the principal means by which the state's infrastructure needs are currently being financed, and a large and growing inventory of unmet infrastructure needs exists. How well the state's infrastructure needs are addressed will be a principal determinant of the future health of the state's economy and the quality of life for many Californians in the years to come.


County Fiscal Distress—A Look at Butte County

December 1, 1989 - The purpose of this policy brief is to provide the Legislature with a context for considering proposals to address Butte County's fiscal problems. The analysis is based on a review of Butte County's past financial transactions and its 1989-90 final budget. Our intent is to explain the basic fiscal trends underlying Butte's current condition, not to evaluate management of the county or past policy decisions made by county officials.


Recommendations for Changes in The Reimbursements of Homicide Trails

July 1, 1989 - Recommendations for Changes in The Reimbursements of Homicide Trails


The Child Development Program: A Sunset Review

February 1, 1989 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155). The first chapter of this report provides an overview of the child development programs. Chapter II provides our findings and recommendations on program issues related to the child development programs. Chapter III provides our findings and recommendations on fiscal issues related to the programs. Chapter IV contains our comments on recommendations made by the SDE in its sunset review report.


State Reimbursement of Mandated Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded in 1988

January 1, 1989 - Chapter 1256, Statutes of 1980, requires the Legislative Analyst to report each year on any previously unfunded state mandates for which the Legislature appropriated funds in a claims bill during the prior fiscal year. This report reviews those mandates initially funded by Chapter 1485, Statutes of 1988.


Federal Welfare Reform in California: A Review of the Family Support Act of 1988

January 1, 1989 - This report reviews the federal Family Support Act of 1988, the major welfare reform legislation recently enacted by Congress. The report discusses each provision of the Family Support Act (FSA) that (1) requires either a significant change in current California law or practice or (2) provides the state with a new programmatic option. Each discussion describes the new provision, indicates when the state must implement the provision, describes how the provision differs from current state law, and outlines the issue that it presents to the Legislature. In most cases, we recommend a course of action for the Legislature to take to implement the provision.


An Evaluation of the State's Alternative Energy Finance Program (Safe-Bidco)

January 1, 1989 - This report, submitted pursuant to the Supplemental Report of the 1988 Budget Act, contains our findings and recommendations concerning the State Assistance Fund for Energy, California Business and Industrial Development Corporation (SAFE-BillCO). Specifically, the Supplemental Report directed our office to evaluate SAFE-BillCO's performance in meeting its original statutory goals and to determine the cost-effectiveness of providing financial assistance to small businesses through the use of federal loan guarantees as opposed to other forms of state assistance.


Report on the 1988-89 Tax Expenditure Budget: Overview and Selected Reviews

December 1, 1988 - The purpose of this report is to provide information which will assist the Legislature in reviewing the state's tax expenditure budget, including making decisions regarding which individual TEPs should be retained, renewed, modified, or eliminated.


A Perspective on the California Economy

December 1, 1988 - The purpose of this report is to provide the Legislature with an overview of the California economy, including information that will assist it in making decisions that will affect the economy's future health and thus the quality of life in California.


Judicial Reviews of State Developmental Center Placements: Implementation of the In re Hop Decision

November 1, 1988 - This report is submitted in response to Resolution Chapter 147, Statutes of 1987 (Senate Concurrent Resolution 45). This measure requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to submit a report to the Legislature responding to specific questions related to the counties' implementation of the California Supreme Court's In re Hop decision (29 Cal. 3d 82). This decision specifies that persons with developmental disabilities who are unable to provide informed consent regarding their placement in a state developmental center (SDC) are entitled to judicial hearings regarding the need for, and appropriateness of, such placement.


The Educational Technology Local Assistance Program: A Sunset Review

August 1, 1988 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155). Chapter I of this report provides a description of the Educational Technology program, including a summary of its funding history. Chapter II contains (1) our findings regarding the program's implementation and effectiveness and (2) our recommendations for improving the program, based on both our own and the State Department of Education's (SDE) findings regarding the program. Chapter III contains our responses to recommendations made by the SDE in its sunset review report.


Adult Education in California Public Schools: A Sunset Review

August 1, 1988 - This report, submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review provisions of Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155), contains our findings and recommendations regarding the adult education program administered by the public schools. Although some community college districts also operate adult education programs, this report, as directed by Chapter 1270, is limited to those programs operated by K-12 schools.


California Indian Education Centers Program: A Sunset Review

August 1, 1988 - This report contains our findings and recommendations regarding the California Indian Education Centers program pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (Senate Bill 1155). As part of the sunset process, Chapter 1270 requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to review the Indian Education Centers program and submit its findings to the Legislature. Chapter I of this report provides an overview of the California Indian Education Centers program, including its purpose, operation, and fiscal data. Chapter II contains our findings and recommendations which are separate from those of SDE. Chapter III contains the SDE's recommendations and our responses to them.


The Problems of Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting: Options for the Legislature

May 1, 1988 - This report is submitted pursuant to Chapter 941, Statutes of 1986 (AB 3959). Chapter I explores the problems that are associated with teen pregnancy and parenting. Chapter II describes the dimensions of the teen pregnancy problem in California and the factors contributing to teen pregnancy. Chapter III contains descriptions of existing state programs that serve pregnant and parenting teens, including the cost of services provided. Chapter IV reviews various studies that (1) have identified what influences teenagers in making choices regarding sexual activity and coping with unplanned pregnancy and (2) assess the effectiveness of various services and programs in dealing with the teen pregnancy and parenting problem. Finally, Chapter V summarizes our recommendations regarding state services for pregnant and parenting teens.