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1,530 Publications Found



Overview of Recent State and Federal Funding for Schools

November 30, 2021 - Assembly Committee on Education and Assembly Budget Subcommittee No.2 on Education Finance


Overview of Student Housing

November 8, 2021 - Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


Overview of Funding for Earn and Learn Workforce Development Programs

October 13, 2021 - Presented to: Assembly Select Committee on Economic Development in the Inland Empire


CDPH’s Licensing and Certification of SNFs

October 5, 2021 - Assembly Committee on Health


Wildfire Prevention and Forest Resiliency

August 31, 2021 - This handout provides background information on recent wildfire resilience-related budget actions. It also provides an update on the administration’s progress thus far towards committing the funding provided in the April 2021 Wildfire and Forest Resilience Early Action Package to specific projects and activities.


Overview of Legislature's Budget Package

June 14, 2021 - Presented to: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Hon. Nancy Skinner, Chair


The 2021-22 May Revision—Overview and Analysis of Housing and Homelessness Proposals

May 26, 2021 - This handout contains our preliminary comments on the Governor’s May Revision housing and homelessness proposals. We offer guidance for legislative action. The Legislature could consider withholding some decisions while establishing a housing and homelessness fund for future use. In 2021-22, a two-pronged approach could be considered: Continue proven programs and pilot new approaches.


The 2021-22 May Revision—Overview and Analysis of Workforce Development Proposals

May 18, 2021 - This handout lists the Governor's workforce proposals, provides a high-level assessment of those proposals, and offers guidance were the Legislature to want to increase spending in this area.


The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of May Revision K-12 Education Proposals

May 18, 2021 - This handout analyzes the overall architecture of the Governor's May Revision plan for school funding, including major spending proposals and underlying estimates of the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee.


Overview of Criminal Fine and Fee System

May 13, 2021 - Presented to: Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation Hon. María Elena Durazo, Chair


Overview of State Funding and Audit of CDAA

May 13, 2021 - Senate Budget Subcommittee No 5. on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation


How Did the State Respond to the Last Major Drought?

May 5, 2021 - Presented to: Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife Hon. Eduardo Garcia, Chair


Overview of State Funding and Audit of CDAA

April 16, 2021 - Assembly Budget Subcommittee No 5. on Public Safety


Resentencing, Diversion, and Reentry Programs

April 16, 2021 - Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety


Overview of American Rescue Plan: Implications for California

March 18, 2021 - Presented to: Assembly Subcommittee No. 6 on Budget Process, Oversight and Program Evaluation Hon. Philip Y. Ting, Chair