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1993-94 Budget Enacted; Economic and Revenue Developments

July 1, 1993 - 1993-94 Budget Enacted; Economic and Revenue Developments


Local Sales Taxes—What Role Can They Play in the 1993-94 State Budget?

June 1, 1993 - In this brief, we review the existing authority of counties to raise the local sales tax, and the viability of this proposed method for offsetting the county revenue losses associated with the proposed property tax shift. As we concluded in our May Revision analysis, the proposals to offset county property tax revenue losses fall short. The revenue likely to be generated from additional local sales taxes—if these taxes are put on the ballot, passed by the voters, and survive likely legal challenges—would offset less than 20 percent of counties’ revenue loss, on average, in 1993-94.


Legislature Passes 1993-94 Budget

June 1, 1993 - Legislature Passes 1993-94 Budget


Overview of the May Revision 1993-94

May 1, 1993 - On May 20th, the Administration issued the May Revision of the 1993-94 Governor’s Budget. As originally presented in January, the budget proposal addressed a budget gap that we estimated at $8.6 billion (please see The 1993-94 Budget: Perspectives and Issues, Part I ). Since the introduction of the original budget proposal, this gap has declined slightly. In contrast, the amount of savings that could be achieved from the original budget proposals has decreased by a much larger amount. While the May Revision does propose some additional spending reductions to partially replace these lost savings, the Administration proposes to roll over a deficit of $667 million into 1994-95. A major solution component continues to be a $2.6 billion local property tax shift. We conclude that, as currently structured, this property tax shift proposal is unworkable. It significantly reduces local (especially county) resources without a corresponding change in local responsibilities or a practical way to find replacement revenue in 1993-94.


Making Government Make Sense: Applying the Concept in 1993-94

May 1, 1993 - We propose realigning responsibility for various state and local programs. It is our belief that the proposal enhances the flexibility of counties and their control of program operations. We provide an alternative that accomplishes both objectives. Our proposal saves $1.4 billion in state costs by shifting various program costs to counties (consistent with our overall restructuring model), and funds these added local costs through the extension of the half cent sales tax on a transitional basis.


Cal Facts: California Economy and Budget in Perspective-1993

May 1, 1993 - Cal Facts: California Economy and Budget in Perspective


Reform of Categorical Education Programs: Principles and Recommendations

April 1, 1993 - This report identifies problems with the existing system of categorical programs, establishes principles the Legislature should use in reforming categorical programs, and recommends consolidation and restructuring of a number of programs based on these principles.


Trial Court Funding

March 1, 1993 - The Trial Court Realignment and Efficiency Act of 1991 modified the Trial Court Funding Program, enacted by Ch 945/88 (SB 612, Presley), and significantly changed state-local funding relationship for support of the trial courts. However, the Trial Court Funding Program has generally not met the Legislature's expectations or purposes described in statute. In addition, state funding for the program has become more complex and has not increased as intended by the Legislature. We address these and other trial court funding issues in the Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill and recommend that the Legislature assess the progress of the Trial Court Funding Program and determine what changes to the program are necessary to meet the Legislature's purposes.


The State's Retirement Systems: Fiscal Issues for 1993-94

March 1, 1993 - In the November 1992 election, the voters approved Proposition 162—the California Pension Protection Act of 1992. This act may fundamentally alter relationships between retirement boards and the executive and legislative branches of these levels of government. There are many issues related to implementation of this act that will be of concern to the Legislature. Key issues include (1) how the Legislature can carry out oversight of the budget of the Public Employee's Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System if those systems are free to spend funds without appropriations and (2) whether, or to what extent, these and other retirement boards are exempt from a wide range of provisions of state law and the State Constitution.


Deferred Maintenance in State Facilities

March 1, 1993 - This reprint from our Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill discusses the problem of deferred maintenance in state facilities. State agencies that control significant state assets have developed a deferred maintenance backlog totaling $820 million. In general, this backlog has occurred due to the underfunding of ongoing maintenance and special repair projects and the redirection of monies budgeted for maintenance to other activities. Failure to address this backlog will shorten the useful life of state facilities and result in more costly expenditures for renovation or replacement. We make recommendations to prevent any further redirection of maintenance funding and to require the state agencies to prepare multi-year strategies to properly address their maintenance and to eliminate deferred maintenance backlogs.


The 1993-94 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

February 24, 1993 - The 1993-94 Governor's Budget recognizes a decline in the state's fiscal fortunes for the fifth consecutive year. The continuing state recession has once again undermined the state's current-year spending plan, and will force the Legislature and the Administration into more painful choices as they struggle to balance the budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year. Even without attempting to provide for a prudent reserve, this task will require spending cuts or revenue increases conservatively estimated at $8.6 billion over the next 18 months. Given the magnitude of actions already taken in recent years, resolving this year's fiscal crisis requires a fundamental rethinking of governmental responsibilities in California. Here we assess the state's current fiscal outlook and evaluate the Governor's response to the situation. We also examine the implications of the 1994-95 outlook on possible budget strategies for 1993-94.


Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill

February 24, 1993 - Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill.


Transportation Programming and Funding

February 1, 1993 - Transportation Programming and Funding


State Fiscal Picture 1993-94

February 1, 1993 - State Fiscal Picture 1993-94


Restructuring Government in California

February 1, 1993 - Restructuring Government in California