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4,692 Publications Found
February 1, 1992 - The state and local program realignment legislation enacted in 1991 represents a fundamental change in the state and county fiscal relationship. In this piece, we (1) provide background on the evolution of the legislation, (2) review its primary components, (3) assess its likely programmatic and fiscal effects, and (4) identify realignment-related implementation and policy issues we believe the Legislature will face in the current legislative session and in later years. Finally, we identify program areas where we believe the Legislature might effectively extend some of the legislation's features to enact further reforms.
February 1, 1992 - Pupil Assessment
February 1, 1992 - We recommend the enactment of legislation to establish a policy whereby the UC and the CSU would admit qualified freshmen but redirect a portion of them, on a voluntary basis, to enroll in specific community colleges, allowing annual state savings of approximately $25 million beginning in 1993-94.
February 1, 1992 - In this analysis, we (1) review the short-term implementation issues surrounding Chapter 90 and the related measures, and (2) identify a number of policy issues that the Legislature will need to address as it considers providing additional support for the trial courts for the budget year and beyond.
February 1, 1992 - The outlook for the 1992-93 budget is dominated by the continued poor performance of the state and national economies. Even if recovery from the recession is now underway, as anticipated by the 1992-93 Governor’s Budget, state revenues will not be sufficient to both pay off the accumulated budget deficits and fund state services at current levels. Further delays in the timing of the state’s recovery will compound the problem faced by the Legislature in crafting a budget for 1992-93. The Governor’s Budget realistically addresses only a portion of the state’s budget problem. Although it would make some significant reductions in major state programs, it relies upon optimistic assumptions as to the availability of federal and other funds to bring the budget into balance, and does not offer an adequate reserve fund to protect the budget against unanticipated changes.
January 22, 1992 - The child support enforcement program could be improved by changing the existing set of incentives that affect decision making on program funding. To accomplish this, we present two options for the Legislature. Under the first option, the responsibility for administration and funding of the program would be transferred from the counties to the state. In the second option, the state would provide a state-funded incentive payment to augment program funding, based on each county's efficiency as measured by the ratio of the marginal increase in child support collections to the marginal increase in administrative costs.
January 21, 1992 - Paperwork Reduction in Schools
January 1, 1992 - In order to bring revenues and spending into balance on a permanent basis, the Legislature will need to make significant reductions in spending on major programs, as well as reexamine the coverage and structure of the state's tax system. An early start is needed to lay the groundwork for these difficult decisions. The purpose of this document is to provide the Legislature with a variety of spending and revenue options that can begin this process.
January 1, 1992 - Supplemental Report Language Agenda 1992-93 Budget Conference Committee
January 1, 1992 - This policy brief summarizes the current fiscal outlook and the major proposals in the Governor's budget plan. It provides an assessment of that plan and describes additional steps that need to be taken to arrive at a fiscally sound 1992-93 budget.
January 1, 1992 - The Legislature faces critical decisions on the bond package to be placed on the 1992 ballots. In this policy brief, we discuss the many considerations involved in making these decisions in light of the large magnitude of the state's infrastructure needs.
December 19, 1991 - A Review of the State Bar Court
December 1, 1991 - This policy brief presents an overview of the State's short-term and long-term fiscal problems.
November 21, 1991 - Despite heavy rains in March 1991, California continues to face a serious near-term water problem resulting from five years of drought. In fact, the amount of water in storage on October 1, 1991 was about equal to the amount in storage one year ago—a year in which strict conservation measures were imposed in some areas and there were significant reductions in water supplies for many agricultural users. In this paper, we provide background information on California's water system, the impact of the drought, water needs in the future, and legislative options for coping with water supply limitations.