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Drug Prevention Programs

February 21, 1990 - Drug Prevention Programs


Anti-Drug Programs in California

February 21, 1990 - Anti-Drug Programs in California


Drug Use in California

February 21, 1990 - A Series of Drug-Related Pieces: Drug Use in California, Anti-Drug Programs in California, Drug Prevention Programs


Analysis of the 1990-91 Budget Bill

February 1, 1990 - Analysis of the 1990-91 Budget Bill


The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

February 1, 1990 - (360 pages, 16MB) The 1990-91 Governor's Budget reflects two main constraints: first, the state's economy is expected to grow at a moderate pace, limiting the resources available to fund state spending requirements, and second, past state policy dictates the allocation of available resources. The administration’s budget offers as a starting point a set of policy choices that only partially accepts these dual constraints. While the budget recognizes the need to restrain state expenditure growth to the level of available resources, it proposes changes in existing policies as to how those resources are 'allocated. In part, this reflects the administration's preferences as to how the state's money should be spent. Over the next four months, the Legislature and the administration will attempt to reconcile their preferences in developing a state budget for 1990-91. However, changes in the economy and in the state's past policy choices also may influence the budget that is ultimately signed into law. Here we review the state's fiscal condition, the major areas where de-mand for state services is outstripping its ability to provide them, and the extent to which the state's existing revenue base is capable of supporting the delivery of existing and additional state services. Finally, we provide a brief examination of the strategies proposed in the Governor's Budget for resolving the state's fiscal dilemma.


State Infrastructure

February 1, 1990 - The state is faced with a large and growing need to revitalize and expand its infrastructure. Although the state does not have a comprehensive plan to identify its specific capital outlay requirements and associated costs, it is clear that the state's infrastructure needs are in the tens of billions of dollars. To better identify these requirements, establish priorities and develop an appropriate financing plan for this infrastructure, the state needs a comprehensive multi-year capital outlay plan. Until such a plan is available, however, we suggest the Legislative establish criteria to assess specific capital outlay proposals. We also believe the Legislature should establish standards for maintenance of state facilities and set as a high priority goal the elimination of deferred maintenance.


Work-Study Evaluations

February 1, 1990 - Progress Report on the California State Work-Study Program



February 1, 1990 - Given there is no current need for new CSU campuses by 2005-06, we recommend the Legislature request the CSU to redirect its staff efforts on new campus planning to specified other efforts related to the projection of enrollment growth and the implementation of educational equity goals.


Year-Round Options

February 1, 1990 - Year-Round Options: cost and benefits analysis should be conducted.


Review of the Bank and Corporation Tax Exemption For International Banking Facilities

February 1, 1990 - Review of the Bank and Corporation Tax Exemption For International Banking Facilities


An Overview of the 1990-91 Governor's Budget

January 1, 1990 - In order to provide the Legislature with a perspecive on the state's budget dilemma for 1990-91, we have prepared this brief overview.


A Perspective on Housing in California

January 1, 1990 - The purpose of this report is to provide the Legislature with an overview of housing in California, including information that will assist it in making decisions that will affect the future performance of the state's housing market and thus the economy generally.


California Maritime Academy: Options for the Legislature

January 1, 1990 - The purpose of this review of the California Maritime Academy (CMA) is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the academy and to determine whether alternative approaches for carrying out the academy's mission should be considered. This report contains four chapters. In the first chapter, we provide a brief history of the academy and a description of its program and operations. The second chapter consists of an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the academy. Chapter III examines several alternatives to continuation of the current level of state support for the CMA. Finally, the last chapter contains our conclusions and a recommendation.


AIDS Education in Correctional Facilities: A Review

January 1, 1990 - This report is submitted in response to Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1988 (Senate Bill 1913, Presley). Chapter 1579 requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to determine whether the Department of Corrections (CDC) and the Department of the Youth Authority (CYA) have adequate education, prevention, and treatment programs related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and whether the programs are being properly implemented. Additionally, the law requires the Legislative Analyst's Office to assess the quality of AIDS education and prevention programs in county and city jails.


Bonds and the 1990 Ballots

January 1, 1990 - One of the more significant issues facing the Legislature during the next several months will be to decide what bond measures it should place on the June and November statewide ballots for voter approval. This decision is important because bonds are the principal means by which the state's infrastructure needs are currently being financed, and a large and growing inventory of unmet infrastructure needs exists. How well the state's infrastructure needs are addressed will be a principal determinant of the future health of the state's economy and the quality of life for many Californians in the years to come.