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Summary of Recommended Legislative Changes Contained in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill

February 1, 1986 - This report summarizes the recommendations for new legislation contained in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill and The 1986-87 Budget: Perspectives and Issues.


Summary of Recommendations in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill

February 1, 1986 - In the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill, we report the results of our detailed examination of the Governor's spending proposals for the coming fiscal year. This document summarizes, by program area, the principal findings and recommendations set forth in the Analysis. It also shows how approval of these recommendations would affect the state's fiscal condition.


State and Local Borrowing

February 1, 1986 - State and Local Borrowing


Information Technology Applications For State Operations

February 1, 1986 - Information Technology Applications For State Operations


State Telecommunications Management

February 1, 1986 - State Telecommunications Management


California's Community-Based Long-Term Care System

February 1, 1986 - California's Community-Based Long-Term Care System


Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Strategy

February 1, 1986 - Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Strategy


Staff Development

February 1, 1986 - Staff Development


Teacher Shortage

February 1, 1986 - Teacher Shortage


Dropout Reduction

February 1, 1986 - Dropout Reduction


Instructional Deans

February 1, 1986 - California State University: Instructional Deans


Nonresident Fees

February 1, 1986 - Policy on setting nonresident charge level should be changed.


Graduate Enrollments

February 1, 1986 - The University of California should reduce the number of foreign graduate students in engineering and computer science by enrolling more resident California students in these programs.


Faculty Salaries

February 1, 1986 - Faculty Salaries: incresase to achieve parity with comparable universities.


The Increasing Costs of Tort Liability

February 1, 1986 - The Increasing Costs of Tort Liability