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4,651 Publications Found
August 1, 1984 - The Shared Work Unemployment Compensation (SWUC) program was established in 1978 as an alternative to layoffs during periods of reduced demand for labor. The program allows employees to receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits when their work week has been reduced, even though they continue to be employed.
July 16, 1984 - Remarks to the National Association of State Budget Officers Annual Conference in San Diego, California
July 11, 1984 - Remarks to Berkeley Graduate School of Public Policy Minority Students Room 2040, State Capitol, Sacramento, California
July 1, 1984 - This report summarizes the fiscal effect of (1) the 1984 Budget Act (AB 2313), (2) the budget Trailer Bill (SB 1379), which makes statutory changes needed to implement the Budget Act, and (3) the local government finance bills (AB 1849/SB 794). The report shows the effect that expenditures and revenues authorized by these acts will have on the condition of the General Fund.
July 1, 1984 - This report summarizes the fiscal effect of The 1984 Budget Act (AB 2313), The Budget Trailer Bill (SB 1379), and The Local Government Finance Bills (AB 1849/SB 794).
June 27, 1984 - Chapter 42, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1236 Beverly), prohibits the courts from granting probation to persons convicted of residential burglaries, except in unusual circumstances. This measure took effect January 1, 1981, and is scheduled to lapse on January 1, 1985. Senate Bill 1331 would extend the provisions of Ch 42/80 indefinitely.
June 6, 1984 - Statement by the Legislative Analyst to the Conference Committee on AB 2313
May 24, 1984 - Remarks to the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers' Annual Legislative Seminar, Sacramento, California
May 24, 1984 - Summary of Senate Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85
May 21, 1984 - Summary of Assembly Action on the Budget Bill 1984-85
May 16, 1984 - Statement by the Legislative analyst to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee
May 14, 1984 - Statement by the Legislative Analyst to the Senate Finance Committee
May 5, 1984 - Remarks by the Legislative Analyst to the Independent Cities Association's Twenty-Fourth Annual Seminar in Rancho Bernardo, California
May 4, 1984 - Statement by the Legislative Analyst to the Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committee, Los Angeles, California
May 1, 1984 - Remarks to the California State University Executive Council, State University House, Los Angeles, California