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Summary of Legislation Changes Recommended by Legislative Analyst in 1983 and 1984

January 1, 1985 - This report contains a summary of recommendations for new legislation made by the Legislative Analyst's Office. Each of the recommendations contained in the report is discussed in greater detail in the specific Analysis or report which is referenced. This report (1) summarizes our analysis of the issues involved, (2) outlines the contents of the legislation recommended, and (3) presents our estimate of the fiscal effect that such legislation would have if enacted.


State "Pickup" of Employee Retirement Contributions

January 1, 1985 - The state Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) is in the process of implementing administratively a federal tax provision allowing the state to "pick up" mandatory employee retirement contributions. Implementation of the pickup program would result in increased take-home pay to state employees—due primarily to reduced federal tax liabilities—at no direct cost to the state. In this report, we examine the fiscal and policy implications of implementing the pickup program.


Intercity and Commuter Rail Services in California

January 1, 1985 - This report reviews the implementation of Chapter 1183, Statutes of 1981, which authorizes the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to provide state subsidies to assist in the development and operation of intercity and commuter rail services in California.


Job Search, Training, and Work Experience: The Lessons for California From Eight Evaluations of the Work Incentive Program

January 1, 1985 - This report reviews the effectiveness of the Work Incentive (WIN) program, which is designed to help recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) find jobs.


The Instructional Materials Program: A Sunset Review

January 1, 1985 - This report is submitted pursuant to the "sunset" review procedures enacted by Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (SB 1155). As part of the sunset process, Chapter 1270 requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to review the instructional materials program and submit its findings to the Legislature by December 1, 1983. Chapter 1270 also requires the Legislative Analyst to review the department's report and submit his own findings, comments, and recommendations regarding the program to the Legislature. The first chapter of this report describes the textbook adoption process. In Chapter II, we discuss the funding for local assistance and state operations in the instructional materials program. Chapter III consists of a commentary on the recommendations made by the SDE in its sunset review report. Chapter IV summarizes our conclusions regarding continuation of the instructional materials program.


The Impact of Recent Legislation on California's Burglary Rate and Sentencing Practices

January 1, 1985 - Chapter 42, Statutes of 1980 (SB 1236, Beverly), prohibits probation for persons convicted of residential burglary, except in unusual circumstances. Chapter 42 directed the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the measure's effects with respect to (1) the residential burglary rate and (2) sentencing for residential burglars. This report was prepared in response to that requirement.


The Use of Mortgage Revenue Bonds in California

January 1, 1985 - This report was prepared in response to the directive contained in Chapter 323. Chapter I provides background information on the use of mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) in California and on the federal government's role in regulating their issuance. In Chapter II, we discuss state and local data relating to units produced and households assisted under these housing programs. Chapter III examines the fiscal and policy issues associated with the use of tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds.


California's Parimutuel Horse Racing Tax

December 5, 1984 - The Legislative Analyst's Office was asked to present testimony to the Senate and Assembly Committees on Governmental Organization regarding the states parimutuel horse racing tax. This report covers 4 topics.


Administrative Hearing Options in California State Government

December 1, 1984 - In the Supplemental Report that accompanied the 1983 Budget Act, the Legislature directed the Legislative Analyst to report on the costs and benefits associated with the provision of administrative hearings using three alternative approaches: (1) hearing conducted by the state agency administering the program, (2) hearing conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings, and (3) hearing conducted by a neutral or private organization under contract to the state. This report was prepared in response to that requirement.


Administrative Hearing Options in California State Government

December 1, 1984 - In the Supplemental Report that accompanied the 1983 Budget Act, the Legislature directed the Legislative Analyst to report on the costs and benefits associated with the provision of administrative hearings using three alternative approaches: (1) hearing conducted by the state agency administering the program, (2) hearing conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings, and (3) hearing conducted by a neutral or private organization under contract to the state. This report was prepared in response to that requirement.


Why Aren't Revenue Estimates More Accurate?

November 1, 1984 - Revenue estimates play a crucial role in the state's budget process. The Legislature relies heavily on these estimates in deciding at what levels to fund state programs, how much money should be 11 put aside in reserves, and whether taxes should be raised or lowered. Consequently, the more accurate revenue estimates are, the more successful the Legislature can be in accomplishing its fiscal objectives--that is, selecting a combination of expenditure levels and tax rates that best meets the public's need and willingness to pay for services without giving rise to unwanted budget surpluses or deficits. In contrast, the more inaccurate revenue estimates prove to be, the more difficult it becomes for the Legislature to attain its objectives and manage the state's fiscal affairs effectively.


Demonstration Programs in Reading and Mathmatics: A Review

November 1, 1984 - This report was prepared pursuant to a requirement contained in Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (SB 1155).


Why Aren't Revenue Esitmates More Accurate?

November 1, 1984 - Revenue estimates play a crucial role in the state's budget process. The Legislature relies heavily on these estimates in deciding at what levels to fund state programs, how much money should be "put aside" in reserves, and whether taxes should be raised or lowered. Consequently, the more accurate revenue estimates are, the more successful the Legislature can be in accomplishing its fiscal objectives--that is, selecting a combination of expenditure levels and tax rates that best meets the public's need and willingness to pay for services without giving rise to unwanted budget surpluses or deficits. In contrast, the more inaccurate revenue estimates prove to be, the more difficult it becomes for the Legislature to attain its objectives and manage the state's fiscal affairs effectively.


Demonstration Programs in Reading and Mathematics: a Review

November 1, 1984 - This report was prepared pursuant to a requirement contained in Chapter 1270, Statutes of 1983 (SB 1155).


Unemployment and Disability Insurance

October 23, 1984 - Statement to the Assembly Finance and Insurance Subcommittee on Unemployment and Disability Insurance, Sacramento, October 23, 1984