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Special Education Programs for Children Living in Foster Family Homes and Licensed Children's Institutions

December 1, 1983 - This report reviews the funding of special education programs for children who live in foster family homes and licensed children's institutions (LCIs), and makes recommendations to the Legislature regarding the restructuring or continuation of the current funding mechanism. It examines the structure and the operational impact of the current funding formula on local education agencies (LEAs) in California and identifies problems that tend to reduce program effectiveness.


Legislative Options for Developing Welfare Computer Systems in California

December 1, 1983 - This report reviews the revised feasibility report on the Statewide Public Assistance Network (SPAN) prepared by Arthur Andersen and Company. In addition, the report presents five options available to the Legislature for continuing the development of statewide computer systems that could improve the administration of public assistance programs in California.


State and Local Finance

November 10, 1983 - Statement to the Senate Local Government Committee on the types of fiscal and policy issues which may be associated with proposals to restructure the current system of state and local finance.


Overview of the Major Issues Regarding the Use of Tax-Exempt Bonds in California

November 9, 1983 - Presentation to the 1983 Fall Conference of the Financial and Accounting Officers of the Association of California Water Agencies by Jon David Vasche, Senior Economist, Office of the Legislative Analyst, State of California.



November 9, 1983 - A Response to the Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees to questions regarding third-party cogeneration projects. (The joint production of electricity and useful thermal energy.) (1) What risk does the State take in entering into third-party cogeneration projects? (2) What problems might be encountered by the host institution? (3) What are the alternatives to third-party financing, and of these alternatives, what is the likelihood of their being implemented?


General Fund Condition

November 8, 1983 - Statement by the Legislative Analyst to the Special Committee on Community Colleges regarding the General Fund condition and what it's prospects are for next year.


Local Government Finances

November 3, 1983 - Statement to the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on various aspects of local government finances including sources of local government revenue, bailout, local assistance programs more appropriately categorized as assistance to individuals, and general purpose revenues.


An Overview of Community College Funding in California

October 26, 1983 - Statement to the Assembly Special Committee on Community Colleges responding to a series of concerns regarding community college finances including (1) levels of funding since 1977-78, (2) the current funding mechanism (SB 851), (3) 1983-84 funding levels, and (4) the $30 million course classification reduction of 1982-83.


Federal Retrenchment and State Management

October 21, 1983 - Transcript of the introduction and observations of a panel discussion led by Legislative Analyst Bill Hamm on federal retrenchment and state management. Bill includes four observations as follows. (1) The states' management of the retrenchment process—particularly in terms of the transition from categoricals to block grants—has been a solid success. (2) The relationship between federal and state tax policies is not what many of us were led to believe. (3) Faced with the inevitability of federal retrenchment, state governments have done a poor job of articulating what's really important to them and what isn't. (4) More and more, state management of federal, as well as state, money is being limited by the courts.


Higher Education Tuition and Fees

October 20, 1983 - Statement to the Senate Education Committee on the need for a long-term policy toward University of California and California State University tuition and fees, the criteria that could be used in setting tuition and fees, and the process that should be followed in adjusting tuition and/or fees.


Financing Air Pollution Control

October 1, 1983 - This Report (1) describes the current funding system for state and local air pollution control activities in California, (2) evaluates the system on the basis of three criteria--consistency, efficiency, and stability, and (3) proposes an alternative financing system for legislative consideration.


The Prison Construction Program

September 13, 1983 - Statement to the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means on SB 422 which appropriates $172.5 million for projects intended to increase the capacity of the state's correctional system. Remarks on SB 422 and the problem it addresses in a broader context and what the Legislature can expect to be accomplished if SB 422 is enacted in its current form.


Financing the Movement of People in California

August 8, 1983 - NCSL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, National Association of Legislative Fiscal Officers—Transportation Funding.


Summary of Legislative Action on the Budget Bill 1983-84 Fiscal Year

August 1, 1983 - This report summarizes the fiscal effect of (1) the Budget Act for 1983-84 (SB 123)and (2) other legislation on which the budget is premised, including AB 223 and SB 813. The report shows what effect the expeditures and revenues authorized by these acts will have on the condition of the General Fund and special funds. It also compares the appropriations contained in the Budget Act with the provisions of the various "trailer" or "companion" bills which accompanied the Budget Act.


Remarks to the Conference Committee on SB 813

June 13, 1983 - Comparison of assembly and senate versions of SB 813 versus budget adopted by Conference Committee action to date as measured over Governor's proposed 1983-84 budget. Major difference between assembly and senate versions of SB 813 concerning:

  1. school apportionment COLAs,
  2. increase length of school day/year,
  3. Serrano equalization,
  4. minimum revenue guarantee,
  5. one-time funds (SB 1326),
  6. federal impact aid,
  7. special education—five year buyout of local General Fund contribution,
  8. instructional materials,
  9. minimum teacher salaries, and
  10. local revenue provisions.