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636 Publications Found

Budget/Policy Analysis


Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Finance

May 3, 1994 - In our Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we withheld recommendation on $2 million proposed to support the Department of Finance's Office of Information Technology (OIT). We indicated that there are serious, fundamental problems with the manner in which the state plans and implements major information technology projects, and noted that we were conducting a review of the state's information technology infrastructure. This supplemental analysis includes the major findings and recommendations of that review as they relate to the OIT.


Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Motor Vehicles

April 25, 1994 - We recommend that the Legislature delete $7.5 million to continue redevelopment of its driver license and vehicle registration database redevelopment project We further recommend that the Legislature establish a new item with an appropriation of $4.4 million to hire a consultant to independently review and propose a course of action for the DMV's database project.


State Housing Program Issues for 1994-95

March 1, 1994 - Through its three housing agencies, the State of California operates 31 separate housing assistance programs. In this reprint from the Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we examine whether these programs would be administered more efficiently by a single consolidated state housing agency.


State Employee Compensation Issues for 1994-95

March 1, 1994 - A major portion of state government expenditures is for compensation of state employees. Expenditures for state employee compensation (excluding higher education employees) will approach $10 billion in 1994-95. In this reprint from the Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we discuss the employee compensation issues and options the Legislature should consider in enacting a Budget for 1994-95.


Transportation Programming and Funding

February 23, 1994 - Transportation Programming and Funding


Special Education Pupil Assessment

February 23, 1994 - Special Education Pupil Assessment


Outcome Measures

February 23, 1994 - Higher Education Outcome Measures: focus more directly on the outcomes of higher education, rather than the inputs or processes. If the Legislature can develop measures that accurately and reliably gauge these outcomes, it could hold the segments accountable for their performance.


Medical Residents

February 23, 1994 - UC Medical Residents: recommend adoption of legislation requiring the UC to ensure specific increases in the number and percentage of medical residents enrolled in primary care and family practice specialties by 1998-99 and 2001-02.


Intercity Rail Program

February 23, 1994 - Intercity Rail Program


Environmental Protection Relies Heavily on Regulatory Fees

February 23, 1994 - Environmental Protection Relies Heavily on Regulatory Fees


Environmental Programs Continue to Become More User Friendly

February 23, 1994 - Environmental Programs Continue to Become More User Friendly


Employee Housing Program

February 23, 1994 - Employee Housing Program


Does California Need Three Housing Agencies

February 23, 1994 - Does California Need Three Housing Agencies


Costs to Administer HCD’s Bond-Funded Programs

February 23, 1994 - Costs to Administer HCD’s Bond-Funded Programs


Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Business and Labor Chapter

February 22, 1994 - Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Business and Labor Chapter