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227 Publications Found

Perspectives and Issues (Major Analyses)


Perspectives on State Revenues 2004-05

February 18, 2004 - 2003-04 Forecast: We forecast that General Fund revenues and transfers will total $74.1 billion in the current year, a $2.8 billion (3.9 percent) increase from 2002-03. This is down $491 million from the budget forecast, of which $477 million is related to our lower estimate of personal income tax (PIT) revenues. 2004-05 Forecast: We forecast that revenues and transfers will total $75.9 billion in 2004-05, a $1.7 billion (2.4 percent) increase from the current year. This is down about $525 million from the new budget's projection, primarily reflecting the ongoing effects of the current-year reduction in PIT receipts.


Major Expenditure Proposals in the 2004-05 Budget

February 18, 2004 - We discuss several of the most significant spending proposals in the budget including suspension of the Proposition 98 minimum education funding guarantee, fee increases in higher education, proposals intended to reduce expenditures for health and social services programs, criminal justice system reforms, and actions in transportation redirecting $2 billion to the General Fund.


An Overview of State Expenditures 2004-05

February 18, 2004 - The Governor's budget proposes total spending in 2004-05 of $97.2 billion, including $76.1 billion from the state's General Fund and $21.1 billion from its special funds. We examine historical spending in relation to the state's economy, spending by program area, and spending adjusted for population and inflation.


Realignment and the 2003-04 Budget

February 19, 2003 - We identify factors to weigh in considering which programs would benefit from realignment. Using these factors, we identify $9.1 billion in programs meriting consideration: $5.1 billion of programs proposed by the administration and $4 billion of programs suggested by our office. Because realignment plans are difficult to modify over time, we recommend the Legislature take a long-term view in enacting program and funding changes.


The Governor's Tax Proposal: Evaluation and Alternatives

February 19, 2003 - The Governor is proposing an $8.3 billion total tax increase to fund his realignment program and reduce the General Fund's budget shortfall. This proposal would raise the sales and use tax by one percentage point ($4.6 billion), establish 10 percent and 11 percent high-income tax brackets ($2.6 billion), and raise the cigarette tax by $1.10 per pack ($1.2 billion).


State Fiscal Picture 2003-04

February 19, 2003 - California faces an unprecedented budget shortfall--roughly one-third of the General Fund budget-- due to an unexpected dramatic decline in state tax receipts combined with ongoing increases in state government costs. The Governor's budget proposal, would eliminate the while its large amount of ongoing savings would also address California's long-term structural imbalance.


Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2003-04

February 19, 2003 - The United States and California economies continue to struggle in early 2003, due primarily to restrained hiring and investment pending by businesses. We assume that stronger economic growth will resume in the second half of 2003


Perspectives on State Revenues 2003-04

February 19, 2003 - We estimate that revenues will exceed the budget forecast by a net of $1.3 billion in 2002-03 and 2003-04 combined. Our higher estimate assumes a somewhat earlier and stronger economic recovery than does the administration.


Major Expenditure Proposals in the 2003-04 Budget

February 19, 2003 - We discuss several of the most significant spending proposals in the budget.


An Overview of State Expenditures 2003-04

February 19, 2003 - The Governor's budget proposes total spending in 2003-04 of $89.2 billion. This total budget-year spending is significantly less than current-year spending--by $5.4 billion (5.7 percent). Proposed spending translates into $2,469 for every man, woman, and child in California, or $244 million per calendar day.


The Vehicle License Fee and The 2002-03 Budget

February 20, 2002 - We provide a history of the VLF tax reductions and an explanation of the distribution of the revenues. We also answer many common questions regarding the VLF—including information about the insufficient moneys provision in current law.


Welfare-to-Work Participation in the CalWORKs Program

February 20, 2002 - Only 26 percent of single-parent cases in federal fiscal year 2000 were participating in CalWORKs in accordance with state law. We believe that increasing participation is an important long-term focus for the Legislature.


Reorganizing California's Energy-Related Activities

February 20, 2002 - A multiplicity of agencies, and evidence of certain duplicative activities and other problems, suggests that it is time for the state to "stand back" and assess how its various energy-related entities are organized and interacting with one another.


Using Borrowing to Help Address the Budget Problem

February 20, 2002 - We discuss the Governor's different types of budget balancing borrowing ($4.8 billion) and the factors that should be focused on by the Legislature in evaluating these proposals and other types of borrowing options.


State Fiscal Picture 2002-03

February 20, 2002 - Based on our projections of revenues and expenditures, adoption of the Governor's spending policies would result in a year-end deficit of about $4.5 billion in 2002-03. This represents a $5 billion deterioration in the budget condition relative to the administration's estimate, which assumes a $511 million reserve.